Yearly Archives: 2013
Valery Pak – Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation – The Head of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) took part in the 9th Mining and Exploration Forum MINEX Russia 2013
On the 2 October, Mr Valery Pak, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation – The Head of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) welcomed participants and guests at the opening of MINEX Russia 2013 Forum on behalf of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use.
Mr Pak particularly stressed out that over the past ten years, MINEX Forum has become the main platform for international business dialogue highlighting the development and implementation of exploration projects in Russia and the CIS. All parts of the Forum – the conference and special roundtables, presentations on investment opportunities as well as on site trade exhibition alongside business receptions and meetings contribute to creating necessary conditions for a meaningful dialogue between the government and the mining business.
Deputy Minister Pak stressed that Russia has a unique set of features to potentially become in the near future the World’s mining leader. Mining sector has been and will remain in the foreseeable future the cornerstone of the Russian economy and the key source of financial income to the National Monetary reserve Fund. For Russia stability and performance of exploration and mining industries is of vital importance as mineral resources continue to be its main asset.
Many experts at the Forum have noted a positive trend in the development of exploration sector of the country. There are new fields and promising areas for almost all types of minerals on the map of Russia, the mineral resources are increasing and industry shows rise of production. Deputy Minister Pak emphasised that Russia remains a superpower when it comes to raw materials, not only in terms of resource potential, but also for the production of minerals, being one of the 10 top mining producing countries in the World.
For several reasons, Russia is still in the lead only on reserves, production, and, in part, the primary production. The processing and production of semi-finished products is lagging behind. Mining and processing power increases solely due to the intensification of production in existing and technologically run down plants. Further increase of production using the current mining plants has been exhausted. On the other hand, Russia still has a good starting position for changing the intensity of extensive development of mining and geology as the Russian Government is planning on adopting a new course to shift the economy to a new technological level. At present, both the state institutions and enterprises, as well as private market participants fully agree that the adopted state-level innovative scenario of the development of the mining industry should be based on a stable and advanced development of mineral resources, which constitute the basis of a significant proportion of the country's income, derived from the extraction , processing, and export to the world markets.
The problem remains how to determine rational and objective ratio for exploration costs between the funds from the state budget and the funds raised by the subsoil users.
Deputy Minister Pak said he understands the desire of the private subsoil users to reduce exploration in the current economic climate, however, he hopes that the companies will share the concerns of Rosnedra over development of mineral resources of the country and will find resources to carry out exploration. According to the Deputy Minister Pak the most significant part of the federal budget is presently allocated to the exploration of the hydrocarbons and precious metals. Rosnedra also continue to actively work on the development of mineral resources of other minerals.
Deputy Minister Pak expressed regret that the current increase in reserves of solid minerals is mainly associated with the identification and assessment of small and medium-scale mines which only marginally contribute to the growth of the mineral base of the country.
Deputy Minister urged to implement advanced scientific, organizational, technical and technological measures to identify large-scale projects which have utmost importance for building Russia’s mineral wealth.
Mr Pak stressed that majority of mineral deposits in Russia contain poor and complex ores which requires implementation of more efficient technologies to improve mining economics. In this context, Rosnedra expect an active participation of both domestic and foreign subsoil users operating in the territory of Russian Federation, he said.
Deputy Minister Pak expressed his confidence that the program of the conference and the exhibition at MINEX Forum provide an excellent opportunity for developing and maintaining business relationships in the mineral sector, as well as that the meetings and discussions held during the forum will create a basis for new projects and opportunities.
Mr Pak noted that this year Rosnedra was prominently represented at the Forum through its subsidiaries.
At the conclusion of his speech, Deputy Minister Pak expressed his gratitude to the organisers and participants for the preparation and holding of such an extensive event and wished all participants, guests and organisers of the MINEX Russia – 2013 a successful and fruitful work.
Also the Round Table of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) was organised for the first time alongside the MINEX Russia Forum. The round table was attended by Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation – the head of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) Mr V.A. Pak and the Deputy Head of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) Mr E. A. Kiselev.
The roundtable offered opportunity to discuss priorities facing Rosnedra as well as to have an open exchange of views with the leaders of mining companies, subsoil users, on the issues of development of the mining industry of Russia. During the roundtable participants made proposals and recommendations to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Ministry and the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra).
Translation from the Rosnedra press office official statement
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Сообщение для прессы
Оргкомитет крупнейшего отраслевого горнопромышленного форума «МАЙНЕКС Россия 2013» совместно с Фондом поддержки социально ориентированных проектов и программ «Петропавловск» провел акцию по сбору пожертвований. Средства будут направлены в пострадавшие от наводнения детские учреждения Амурской области и Еврейской автономной области.
Благотворительная акция организована в пользу двух детских учреждений: детского сада «Солнышко» (село Мазаново, Мазановского района Амурской области) и «Начальной школы – детского сада с. Новое» (село Новое, Ленинского района Еврейской автономной области). В результате наводнения оказались сильно повреждены здания учреждений, система водоснабжения и канализации, испорчена мебель, инвентарь, в кабинетах требуется замена полового покрытия. В настоящее время крупнейшие детские учреждения в селах не функционируют.
Инициатива по сбору средств предложена Оргкомитетом ежегодного форума «Майнекс Россия 2013», объединяющего ведущие российские и международные горнодобывающие компании, и поддержана Фондом «Петропавловск», который с 2010 года успешно реализует социальные проекты в регионах Дальнего Востока. Акция прошла в Москве в рамках работы IX горнопромышленного форума. В ходе акции на восстановление детских учреждений Амурской области и Еврейской автономной области удалось собрать более 250 тыс. руб. Все средства будут перечислены в Фонд «Петропавловск» и увеличены им в двукратном размере. В дальнейшем Фонд займется распределением средств между социальными учреждениями в соответствии с заявленными нуждами и контролем за их использованием.
Пресс-секретарь Фонда «Петропавловск»
Назарова Евгения Андреевна
8 (495) 380 28 10 доб. 3623
Фонд поддержки социально-ориентированных проектов и программ «Петропавловск» в Интернете:
В социальных сетях (Facebook):
The organising committee of MINEX Russia 2013 Forum is pleased to invite mining companies and investors to the Round Table meeting with the senior management of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. The meeting is kindly supported by OGK Group – the consortium uniting leading Russian service prospecting enterprises.
When: Wednesday 2 October 2013. 09.00 – 10.30
Venue: Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel, Moscow, Russia
Who is invited: Senior directors of the Russian and International Mining companies and Mining Investors
Participation terms: Free participation will be offered to the senior representatives of Russian and International Mining companies and Investors.
Restrictions: Number of places at the meeting is restricted. Registrations will be accepted on the first comes basis. No more than 3 representatives from one company can be admitted
Registration ends on 1 September
Amur River flooding – children charity auction
Amur River flooding – children charity auction
The Organising Committee of MINEX Russia 2013 Forum and The Petropavlovsk Foundation invite the Forum participants and the Russian mining community to support an initiative to help schools and kindergartens in the Amur region and EAO affected by the recent flooding. An online auction of photographic prints submitted for the Russian Mining 2013 Second International Amateur Photography Competition is being held.
The photographs submitted to the competition have been published in a Auction section of MINEX Russia 2013 Forum website
The works will be printed on A2 canvas and framed with the author and title of the work. The minimum bid is 10 000 roubles.
Guidelines, terms and conditions:
1. Bids will be accepted from private individuals or corporates.
2. To submit a bid, please register your details on the auction site by clicking here
3. Place your maximum bid (bids are not disclosed). The minimum bid is 10 000 roubles.
4. Biding will end close of business on 25 September 2013. The highest bidder will receive payment instructions from The Petropavlovsk Foundation and will be required to pay within 2 working days. If for any reason the winning bidder fails to pay, the work will be transferred to the next highest bidder.
5. The highest bidders will be presented with their purchased works at the MINEX Russian Mining Excellence Awards Gala Dinner, which will be held in Moscow on 3 October 2013.
Internet bids are accepted before the end of he day on 25 September 2013
Nominations for the 7th Russian Mining Excellence Award
MINEX Awards committee is delighted to announce nominations for the 7th Annual Russian Mining Excellence Award – "For Development of the Russian Mining Industry" in the following categories
- Prospector of the Year
- Mining Project of the Year
- Investor of the Year
- Service Company of the Year
- HR Project of the Year
- Innovator of the Year
- Mining Legend
The 7th Russian Mining Excellence Awards 2013 nominees and winners will be presented with the prizes on 3 October at the closing of the Forum at 19.00 at the Radisson Slavianskaya Hotel in Moscow.
All nominees will receive diplomas. The award winners will also receive handmade bronze sculpture of Miner set on the semiprecious stone plinth and a metal plated plaque.
MINEX Russian Mining Excellence Award is the most prestigious, most objective and highly recognized Award which benchmarks best achievements in the Russian Mining Industry. Participation in the Award is FREE and open to Russian and International companies and individuals working in Russia.
The main purpose of the award is to contribute to the competitive spirit and nominate Russian and International companies and executives for their outstanding achievements in improving mining industry standards and practices in Russia. Decisions on the award nominations winners are based on the results of the public online voting and opinion provided by the independent experts, participating in the Awards Committee.
Read more:
The Organising Committee of MINEX Russia 2013 Forum and The Petropavlovsk Foundation invite Forum participants and the Russian mining community to support an initiative to help schools and kindergartens in the Amur region and EAO affected by the recent flooding. An online auction of photographic prints submitted for the Russian Mining 2013 Second International Amateur Photography Competition is being held.
The photographs submitted to the competition have been published in a section of MINEX Russia 2013 Forum website:
The works will be printed on A2 canvas and framed with the author and title of the work.
The minimum bid is 10 000 roubles.
Guidelines, terms and conditions:
1. Bids will be accepted from private individuals or corporates.
2. To submit a bid, please register your details on the auction site by clicking here
3. Place your maximum bid (bids are not disclosed). The minimum bid is 10 000 roubles.
4. Biding will end close of business on 25 September 2013. The highest bidder will receive payment instructions from The Petropavlovsk Foundation and will be required to pay within 2 working days. If for any reason the winning bidder fails to pay, the work will be transferred to the next highest bidder.
5. The highest bidders will be presented with their purchased works at the MINEX Russian Mining Excellence Awards Gala Dinner, which will be held in Moscow on 3 October 2013.
Internet bids will be accepted from now until close of business on 25 September 2013
For further information, please contact:
Ms Natalya Tarasova in Moscow
Tel / Fax: +7 495 249 49 03
Mob: +7 915 482 92 84
Mr Arthur Poliakov in London
Tel: +44 207 520 9341
Fax: +44 207 520 9341
Solnyshko (“Sunshine”) Kindergarten, a municipal, State-owned childcare facility run by the Mazanovsky district local authority in the Amur region
Address: 14 Kirova Street, Mazanovo, Mazanovsky district, 676540 Amur region
Head: Ms. Irina Alexandrovna Filatova
Days of heavy rain left the village submerged in water and the kindergarten was badly damaged. The basement was flooded and the sewage draining system and clean water supply both failed. A new local water supply and the installation of a pumping station are desperately needed, plus the replacement of 54 square metres of flooring, furniture and equipment, which were affected by the water or damp. It is estimated that this work will cost 300 thousand roubles. 75% of pre-school children living in Mazanovo and the surrounding villages and countryside attend Solnyshko Kindergarten however it cannot function under these conditions.
Novoye Kindergarten and Primary School, a municipal, State-owned childcare facility and school
Address: 1 Shkolnaya Street, Novoye, Leninskiy District, 679370 EAO (Jewish Autonomous Region)
Head: Ms Oxana Vlasimirovna Krasnoyarskaya
The village, Novoye, really suffered during the floods. The kindergarten and school, a single-story building, was flooded with the water rising as high as the windows. The central heating system and the water supply were damaged beyond repair. The floor, walls and the foundations of the building have been seriously damaged. Furniture and equipment are also beyond repair. Novoye Kindergarten and Primary School is the only such facility in the village, providing education and childcare for babies, toddlers and young children. However, the school simply cannot function at present and the building itself is unstable. The older children are being bussed to neighbouring villages, Kvashnino and Leniskoye. The younger children have either been sent to holiday camps or are in the evacuation camp with their parents. At the time of going to print, a government commission was still calculating the full cost of the damage, but it’s likely that the building will need demolishing. The cost of constructing a new facility is in the order of 1.5-2 million roubles.
The Petropavlovsk Foundation
The Petropavlovsk Foundation for Social Investment was established in 2010 by the Petropavlovsk Group. The Foundation aims to support and stimulate the social, humanitarian and cultural development of the Russian Far East.
The Petropavlovsk Group has been operating in the Russian Far East for nearly two decades. Over this time the Group has developed several greenfield projects into mines and is now one of the largest companies operating in the region. The activities of the Group have promoted, and continue to stimulate, the industrial, economic and social development of the Russian Far East. At the same time, the Petropavlovsk Group has pursued an active social outreach programme, helping to enhance the quality of life of local people in the Russian Far East.
As the Group’s social outreach programme and charitable commitments expanded, it became evident that a new structure was required to combine and streamline the Group’s existing charitable work, which would ultimately enable it to provide more help to those in greatest of need. Consequently, The Petropavlovsk Foundation for Social Investment was born.
The Petropavlovsk Foundation aims to promote and develop the socio-economic, cultural and scientific potential of the Amur region and the surrounding areas, improving the quality of life for those who live and work there.
More information is available on the Foundation's website :
Miners and Mines of Russia – Russian Mining 2013 Second International Amateur Photography Competition
The competition aims to provide an opportunity for amateur photographers who work in the mining industry in Russia to present their views of the Russia’s miners and mines through photography.
Goals and objectives of the competition
- The presentation of the wealth of Russian mineral resources as seen through the camera lenses of those people working in the mining industry in Russia;
- Creating an objective image of the Russian mining industry for present and future generations of miners;
- Providing an opportunity for mining companies and organisations to participate in a unique social project aimed at promoting the mining profession;
- The development of a unique platform for amateur photographers working in mining industry to express themselves;
- The creation of a national online forum and database devoted to amateur photography of geology and mining in Russia
Competition themes
- “My Mine” – The industrial Landscape
- “Mining machinery and technologies” – The industrial composition
- “Caring for the environment” – The industrial landscape or composition
- “Ores and Minerals” – Free genre composition
- “Proud to be Miner” – An individual or group portrait
There are less than two weeks left before MINEX Russia – the 9th Mining and Exploration Forum which will be held in Moscow 1- 3 October 2013.
The Forum organised under the key theme “Managing mining during economic downturn” will provide a broader perspective on current state of the Russian Mining Industry offering a snapshot on changes which major and junior mining companies are introducing to keep up with the falling commodity prices and to compete in a disciplined investment environment.
According to PwC Global 2013 report mining industry faces confidence crisis. Regaining investor confidence depends on how the industry responds to its rising costs, increasingly volatile commodity prices and other challenges such as resource nationalism. In its new 'Mining Deals' report, PwC revealed that M&A activity in the sector had fallen by some 31% during the first half of this year compared to the previous corresponding period. By geography, Russia and Kazakhstan took the top two spots from Canada and China for the most M&A activity during the first six months of the year, with Russia accounting for over 25% of the deals, followed by Kazakhstan at 19% and the US at 11%.
- Will the current level of M&A activity in Russia continue next year?
- How are the Russian companies planning to keep up with falling prices and increasing costs?
- What measures is the Russian government planning to introduce to support mining industry in economic recession?
- Will the Russian Government relax barriers to raise investors’ confidence?
- What sources of funding will be available to Russian miners next year?
- Will the Russian companies play more active role in overseas investments next year and where?
These and many other issues will be addressed by the Forum’s 100-strong speaker panel over the three days.
The discussion on changes proposed by the Russian Government and Legislators will be led by:
- Mr Valery Pak, Vice Minister of the Natural Resources and the newly appointed Head of Russia’s Rosnedra Mineral Resources Agency
- Dr. Pavel Maslovsky, Member of The Committee for Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, Council of the Federation, Federal Assembly, the Parliament of the Russian Federation. Honorary President of Petropavlovsk Company
- Mikhail Slipenchuk, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology. Founder of Metropol Investment Group
Views on challenges faced by the Mining leaders in Russia will be shared by:
- Vitaly Nesis, Chief Executive Officer, Polymetal Int.
- Warwick Morley-Jepson, Vice President Russia, Kinross Gold Corporation
- Nikolai Zelenski, CEO, NordGold
- Roman Panov, General Director, Rusgeology State Holding Company
- Evgeni Khrustalev, Partner, Transaction Advisory Services, Head of Industrial Products Group in the CIS, Ernst & Young
- Alexei Smirnov, Partner, Tax & Legal Services | Energy, Utilities and Mining, PwC
New and on-going exploration projects in Russia will be presented by:
- Alexei Soloviev, Chief Geologist, Rusgeology State Holding Company
- Dmitry Korobov, CEO, Kamchatka Gold
- Denis Alexandrov, CEO, Auriant Mining
- Vasily Makarov, General Director, "Vostok-Business"
- Valery Priputnevich, General Director, Nizhneamurskaya Gornaya Companya
- Sergey Garmaev, General Director, VERTEX Mining Company
- Alexey Osenmuk, Managing Director, 1 Gorno-Geologicheskaya Kompaniya
- Roman Schetinskiy, Head of New Projects Department, GV GOLD (OJSC Vysochaishy)
Discussion on Russia’s mining industry investment and funding landscape will be led by:
- Dr. Neal Rigby, Corporate Mining Consultant, SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.
- Sergey Kashuba, Chairman, Russian Gold Mining Union
- Sergey Donskoy, Senior Equity Analyst, Metals and Mining Team, Societe Generale
- William Husband, Managing Director – Head of Metals & Mining, Russia & CIS, CITIBANK
- Robin Birchall, Executive Chair and Member of Board of Directors, Silver Bear Resources Inc.
- Pavel Popov, Head of Capital Markets, Moscow Exchange
- Jon Edwards, Deputy Head of Primary Markets, London Stock Exchange
- Marina Alexeenkova, Managing Director, Gazprombank
- Irina Lapshina, Analyst, Metals and Mining, Sberbank Investment Research
- Vladimir Primak, Investments Director, VTB Capital
- Oleg Limonov, Head of Production and Geological Department, Polymetal Int.
- Oleg Ilyin, Director of exploration and mining modelling, "Mechel Engineering"
- Andrey Kharlashin, Head of Exploration, RJC
- Levon Kocharyan, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright (Central Europe) LLP
Snapshot of the Forum’s program:
1 October
Master classes for Mining professionals organised by:
IMC Montan, Wardell Armstrong International, TOMS Group and Metso
2 October
- Meeting between Rosnedra and Mining companies and Investors
- Nine multi-track Forum plenary, technical and business podium sessions
- Mining Technical and Investment Show
- Evening drinks and networking party on-board “River Palace” cruise ship
3 October
- Nine multi-track Forum plenary and business podium sessions
- Mining Technical and Investment Show
- Associated event: Micromine Users Conference
- Presentation of the Russian Mining Excellence 7th Awards
- Presentation of Innovation and Mining Photography Awards
- Russian Mining Excellence Gala Dinner
Pre-registration will be open until Friday 27th September but earlier booking is advisable as tickets to the Drinks on 2 October and Gala Dinner on 3 October are selling out fast.
Tickets cost:
- Master Classes (1 October) = £ 250GBP
- Forum (2‐3 October) = £ 620GBP
- Master Classes + Forum (1-3 October) = £ 800 GBP
- Gala Dinner (3 October) = £ 130 GBP*
- Presentation at Business podium session = £ 500 GBP
For group of 3 or more delegates 10% discount applies.
* Gala dinner tickets are available only to the delegates attending the Forum.
Please contact
Advantix Ltd
Forum organiser
Mrs. Irina Yukhtina
Events Director,
Tel: + 44 (0)207 520 9341
Fax: + 44(0)2075209342
The Organising Committee of the MINEX Russia Forum 2013 announces the winners of the 3rd National Youth Research Mining " From idea to innovation."
1st place – Pavel Chigirov, 1st year post graduate student of the Russian State Oil and Gas University named after Gubkin, Moscow
Research title: Impact of electrokinetic and physico- chemical phenomena in the process of flooding in clay sewers.
Supervisor – Prof. Valery Cadet
2nd place – Alexei Malutin, 1st year graduate student of the National Mineral Resources University, St. Petersburg
Research title: Improvement of mining technologies at high-grade iron ore deposits .
Supervisor – Prof. Vladimir Zubov
3rd place – Igor Alushkin, 1st year post graduate student of the Moscow State Mining University
Research title: Development of technology for the enrichment of technogenic dumps quartz-feldspathic raw materials using radiometric methods .
Supervisor – prof. Tatiana Yushina
Awarding of winners will take place on Thursday, October 3, 2013 at the closing session of MINEX Russia Forum
About the competition "From Idea to Innovation"
The competition "From Idea to Innovation" is organised since 2011 by MINEX Russia Forum with the assistance of the Council of Russian Universities’ Educational Association for mining education.
Heads of leading Russian and international companies take active part in evaluation of the proposed for the competition works.
The competition is designed to facilitate cooperation between mining companies and Russia’s higher mining education providers in the fields of technical innovation and practical implementation of innovative ideas.
Preliminary applications for participation in the 4th competition "From Idea to Innovation" can be sent to:
The 4th All-Russian Youth Competition "From Idea to Innovation" will be organised in the framework of the 10th MINEX Russia Mining and Exploration Forum, which will take place in Moscow on 7-9 October 2014.
Further details can be obtained from the Forum Organising Committee
Natalia Tarasova
T / f: +7 495 249 49 03
Mob : +7 915 482 92 84
Managing mining business during the downturn – challenges and strategies
«Managing mining business during the downturn – challenges and strategies» is one of the main topics that will be addressed by the second plenary session at MINEX Russia 2013 Forum scheduled for 2 October 2013.
The impressive list of speakers in this session includes Vitaly Nesis, Chief Executive Officer, Polymetal International Plc; Warwick Morley-Jepson, Vice President Russia, Kinross Gold Corporation; Senator Pavel Maslovskiy, Honorary President, Petropavlovsk Plc and Nikolay Zelenski, CEO, NordGold.
They will discuss financing priorities, cost optimisation, investment and development strategies in a disciplined investment environment.
For more information and a full programme please visit Forum’s website
For enquires please contact our London office
Tel: +44 207 520 9341