Russian Mining Excellence Award 2013
3 October 2013, Moscow
MINEX Awards committee is delighted to announce nominations and winners for the 7th Russian Mining Excellence Award – "For Development of the Russian Mining Industry"
For achievements in mining exploration in Russia.
Evaluation criteria
Achievements that have helped to expand mineral resources and substantially boost reserves in the period between two MINEX Russia forums, including the discovery of new fields, a significant increase in reserves of previously discovered fields and/or revaluation of reserves at previously explored sites.
Project/field name
OAO Pavlik Gold
Pavlik gold field, Magadan Region, Russian Federation
For successful completion of a comprehensive geological exploration programme at the Pavlik field in the Tenkinsky District, Magadan Region. The C1+C2 category commercial gold reserves of the Pavlik field, amounting to 154 tonnes with an average gold content of 2.83 g per tonne, were confirmed by State Mineral Reserves Commission (GKZ Rosnedra) Protocol No. 3167 of 3 June 2013.
Albazino field, Khabarovsk Territory, Russian Federation
For successful exploration at the Albazino field located in the Khabarovsk Territory, 450 km away from the company's Amur Integrated Metals and Metallurgical Works. As of 1 January 2012, the Albazino gold mineral resources amounted to 85.6 tonnes. In December 2012, the company published updated information on the field's gold mineral resources, which increased by 90 tonnes for a total of 178 tonnes. The valuation was performed by Snowden, an independent consulting company.
Polyanka field, Kabachinsko-Polyankinskaya licence area, Khabarovsk Territory, Russian Federation
For successful prospecting, evaluation and exploration at the Kabachinsko-Polyankinskaya area, which resulted in the discovery of the Polyanka field and an increase in indicated and inferred mineral resources based on the JORC classification in the total amount of 28.2 tonnes of gold, with a gold grade of 1.34 g per tonne.
For the successful implementation of a mining project in Russia.
Evaluation criteria
Successful (large scale and effective) implementation of a mining project in Russia in the period between two MINEX Russia forums.
Project/field name
Launch of an ore dressing plant at the Mayskoe field, Chukotsky Autonomous Region, Russian Federation
For successful commissioning of an ore dressing plant in April 2013, with a capacity of 850,000 tonnes of ore per year, at the Mayskoe field located in the Chaunsky District, Chukotsky Autonomous Region. The Mayskoe field is one of the five largest gold deposits in Russia to be developed by underground mining methods. Over 90% of its ore is refractory. Ore from the Mayskoe field is processed using the traditional flotation technology to concentrate, which is currently shipped to foreign customers and the company's Amur Integrated Metals and Metallurgical Works.
Kinross Gold
Dvoinoe field, Chukotsky Autonomous Region, Russian Federation
For successful exploration and launch of a mine at the Dvoinoe field, located 95 kilometres from the Kupol field in the Chukotsky Autonomous Region. On 23 June 2013, the company obtained a permit to open the mine, and on 1 August 2013 mining operations began. To process ore from the Dvoynoe field at the Kupol field, Kinross Gold increased the capacity of its ore dressing plant from 3.5 million to 4.5 million tonnes of ore per day. The development of the Dvoynoe field will create over 700 jobs and ensure annual production of 215,000 to 250,000 ounces of gold equivalent during the first three years of production.
For successful bringing in investments to the Russian mining industry.
Evaluation criteria
Large-scale financing of third party mining projects (that were not earlier owned by the company) and effective organisation of investment financing of a major project at an early stage and/or in a high risk environment. The valuation takes also into account total investments raised/provided between two MINEX Russia forums.
Project/field name
Sberbank CIB
For active, large-scale financing of mining companies operating on the Russian market. In 2012-2013, Sberbank CIB provided debt financing for Nord Gold, Highland Gold and GeoProMining to support new investment projects, business restructuring and debt refinancing in the amount of approximately USD 950 million, of which over USD 775 million was used for projects implemented in the Russian Federation.
Kinross Gold
Dvoinoe field, Chukotsky Autonomous Region, Russian Federation
For large-scale, efficient investment in the Dvoinoe field exploration project, for a total of USD 700 million, including capital expenditures of USD 360 million. The development of the Dvoynoe field shall create over 700 jobs and ensure annual production of 215,000 to 250,000 ounces of gold equivalent during the first three years of production.
For the development and use of brand new concepts, technologies and/or innovation solutions in the Russian mining industry.
Evaluation criteria
Development and application of a new concept, technology and/or innovative (solution) approach in the period between two MINEX Russia forums, which helped to enhance performance and/or efficiency of operations. Applications for this nomination are to be accepted only if comments of acknowledgement have been received from subsoil user companies which have cooperated with the nominee in the project that is submitted for the award.
Project/field name
For developing innovative technology for exploration support based on the AGR information system and its successful implementation at a number of mining enterprises, which helps bring IT-supported exploration in Russia's mining industry to a higher level.
For the development of an efficient drilling business operating model based on unified quality and safety standards, which have improved productivity and reduced the cost of drilling for customers due to the use of a centralised system of shipping and procurement of consumables and chemical agents, and resulted in wide regional diversification of the company's business, thus leading to lower site mobilisation/demobilisation costs.
ZAO Range
For successful implementation and application of an integrated XERAS solution at a number of Russian mining companies, which significantly increased the quality and efficiency of strategic planning and budgeting of their main operations.
For the successful implementation of the training project for the mining industry in Russia
Evaluation criteria
Successful implementation of a training / skills development project in the mining industry in Russia in the period between two MINEX Russia forums.
Project/field name
OOO Micromine Rus, together with the Institute of Mining, Geology and Geotechnology of the Siberian Federal University
For the implementation of professional education and training of undergraduate and postgraduate students, together with the Siberian Federal University (SFU), which included participation in the Regional Technical Platform "Comprehensive Exploration of Solid Mineral Deposits", the creation of 15 desks involving the operation of the Micromine system in the Norilsk Nickel class of the Underground Mining Department of SFU, and the opening of SFU's own fully equipped computer classroom. Joint organisation of the Third Russian 3D Modelling Olympics.
For the establishment and successful operation of the Mining IT Centre to enhance information support for mining operations management. The Centre delivers full-time and distance training with a focus on information system operations for Head Office and regional employees.
OAO Priargunskoe Mining and
For successful implementation of the Change Leaders programme, which was launched to promote proactive and result-oriented behaviour among employees and involve them in the overall strategic activities of OAO PPGKhO through a comprehensive range of operating changes, improvement of management leadership skills at all levels, and changing employees' behaviour model. Key factors in the programme's success were the establishment of positive values shared by employees, their involvement in the ongoing transformation and raising awareness of their personal contributions.
For contributing to the development and application of new technologies in the Russian mining industry.
Evaluation criteria
Development and application of a new concept, technology and/ or innovative approach between two MINEX Russia forums that was significantly instrumental in increasing operational efficiency and rate of return in the mining industry, which can be replicated on other mining projects.
Project/field name
For the successful implementation of pressure oxidation technology at the Amur Metals and Metallurgy Works (Khabarovsk Region). This technology helps develop the Russian Far East's deposits of refractory gold ores, which had not been developed previously due to the lack of relevant technology. POX enhances the recoverability of the commercial component, energy efficiency and sustainability.
Kinross Gold
Kupol field, Chukotsky Autonomous Region, Russian Federation
For successful application of the Super Skin innovative technology during underground mine reinforcement.
Super Skin enhances safety thanks to the high level of support and durability compared to shotcrete; significantly reduces unit costs and time spent on such activities.
OOO NITs Hydrometallurgyia
For successful development of autoclave leaching of complex gold-bearing sulphides. The technology is applicable to the processing of dual refractory gold-bearing concentrates, as well as copper-gold and copper-silver concentrates, and ensures metal recovery rates of up to 93-98%. Pilot tests have been performed and the construction of an autoclave plant using flotation concentrate from the Malomyr and Pioneer fields with the capacity of 500,000 tonnes per year is being completed at the Petropavlovsk Mining Company's Pokrovsky mine. Commissioning is scheduled for 2014. Pilot tests have been performed and process regulations developed for the design of the technology for autoclave oxidation of concentrates and bacterial oxidation cakes at Olimpiadniskaya Gold Recovery Plant.
For a significant personal contribution to the development of the Russia mining industry.
Evaluation criteria
Exceptional and recognised personal contribution to the development of mining and geology in Russia / CIS (for example, led the company to success, introduced advanced technology, has achieved a significant increase in the effectiveness of the mining sites).
Graduated in 1954 from the M.I. Kalinin Moscow Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold. Holds a PhD in geological and mineralogical sciences. Professor and academic.
Vice President and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1991.
Member of the Board of Directors of Rosneft since 2012.
Member of the Board of Directors of Rosgeologia.
Chairman of the RF Security Council's Interdepartmental Committee on Environmental Protection.
In 1989-1991, deputy chairman of the USSR State Committee for Science and Engineering.
Expert in geology; theory of uranium deposit formation; prediction, exploration and development of the sources of nuclear materials.
From 1987 to 1989 was the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirghiz SSR. In 1989 was appointed as a chairman of the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology, in 1991 – as a chairman of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology.
Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Study of the Arctic, the chairman of the National Committee of Geologists of the Russian Federation. PIR Center Advisory Board member since 2002.
Author of 25 scientific works and more than 700 academic papers published in Russia and abroad. He has won orders and state and industry awards along with medals and awards from other countries in recognition of his scientific research and inventions.
MINEX Russian Mining Excellence Award is the most prestigious, most objective and highly recognized Award which benchmarks best achievements in the Russian Mining Industry. Participation in the Award is FREE and open to Russian and International companies and individuals working in Russia.
The main purpose of the award is to contribute to the competitive spirit and nominate Russian and International companies and executives for their outstanding achievements in improving mining industry standards and practices in Russia. Decisions on the award nominations winners are based on the results of the public online voting and opinion provided by the independent experts, participating in the Awards Committee (public voting on the website www.minexrussia.com, as well as voting members of MINEX Organising Committee).
The 7th Russian Mining Excellence Awards 2013 nominees and winners were announced at 19:00 on 3 October at the closing ceremony of MINEX Forum in Moscow, Radisson Slavianskaya Hotel.
All nominees received diplomas. The award winners also received handmade bronze sculpture of Miner set on the semiprecious stone plinth and a metal plated plaque.
Results of the ceremony were published on MINEX websites www.minexforum.com, www.minexrussia.com and be widely covered by the Russian and international media partners of the “MINEX Russia 2013” forum.
In 2013, the “Russian Mining Excellence Award” will be awarded in the following categories:
Nominee: A company or organisation.
Evaluation criteria: Achievements that have helped to expand mineral resources and substantially boost reserves in the period between two MINEX Russia forums, including the discovery of new fields, a significant increase in reserves of previously discovered fields and/or revaluation of reserves at previously explored sites.
Nominee: A company or organisation.
Evaluation criteria: Successful (large scale and effective) implementation of a mining project in Russia in the period between two MINEX Russia forums.
Nominee: A company or organisation (banks, funds, investment companies which finance mining exploration and production projects, as well as mining companies which participate in M&A deals in Russia).
Evaluation criteria: Large-scale financing of third party mining projects (that were not earlier owned by the company) and effective organisation of investment financing of a major project at an early stage and/or in a high risk environment. The valuation takes also into account total investments raised/provided between two MINEX Russia forums.
Eligible nominee: A company or organisation (service, engineering and advisory companies operating in the mining sector).
Evaluation criteria: Development and application of a new concept, technology and/or innovative (solution) approach in the period between two MINEX Russia forums, which helped to enhance performance and/or efficiency of operations. Applications for this nomination are to be accepted only if comments of acknowledgement have been received from subsoil user companies which have cooperated with the nominee in the project that is submitted for the award.
Eligible nominee: A company or an organisation (mining, exploration and service companies, and higher educational institutions).
Evaluation criteria: Implementation of a project related to professional/advanced development, education and/or training of mining personnel between two MINEX Russia forums that led to significant improvements in the professional and qualification levels of company staff and graduates.
Eligible nominee: Managers, scientists and employees of companies, organisations and government agencies.
Evaluation criteria: Exceptional and widely recognised personal contribution to the development of the mining and geological industry in Russia/CIS.
Eligible nominee: A mining or geological company.
Evaluation criteria: Development and application of a new concept, technology and/ or innovative approach between two MINEX Russia forums that was significantly instrumental in increasing operational efficiency and rate of return in the mining industry, which can be replicated on other mining projects.
Eligible nominee: A company or organisation.
Evaluation criteria: The most significant event in the industry that took place in the period between two MINEX Russia forums, which had a significant and positive impact on the mining industry.
* Awards in the nominations "Mining Legend" and "Breakthrough of the Year" are based on the Awards Committee’s decisions without any tender of applications.
HOW TO submit proposal for the nomination for THE MINEX RUSSIA mining excellence 2013 AWARDS
Awards schedule
The list of the Russian Mining Excellence Award committee members 2013:
For further information please contact MINEX Russia Organising Committee:
Ms Natalia Tarasova
Tel.: + 7 (495) 249 49 03
MINEX Russian Mining Excellence Award 2012 Winners:
Category 1 “Prospector of the Year” – Nordgold
Category 2 “Project of the Year” – North-West Phosphor Company
Category 3 “Investor of the Year” – “Mechel-Mining”
Category 4 “Mining University of the Year” – Moscow State Mining University
Category 5 “Innovator of the Year” – Kinross Gold Corporation and Micromine Rus
Category 6 “Mining Legend” – Kozlovskiy Evgeniy Alexandrovich
Category 7 “Event of the Year” – EVRAZ Holding and Polymetal International plc
Information about previous nominations and winners (2007-2012) can be found at: http://www.minexforum.com/ru/award/