2nd MICROMINE users conference2nd MICROMINE users conference Micromine will be holding alongside MINEX Russia 2013 Forum the annual Micromine users conference on 3 October in Moscow. Mr Graeme Tuder, Micromine's Managing Director and founder will be traveling to Moscow and greeting Russia’s conference delegates During the conference, the following issues will be highlighted:
The conference will introduce Russian users to the latest features of Micromine’s rang of products and will showcase their implementation at some of the leading mining and exploration companies in Russia, such as NPGF Regis Ltd., Arkhangelskgeoldobycha (AGD), Polyus Gold, Polyus Project LLC, Rusburmash JSC, RussDragMet LLC, PiterGORproject JSC s. The MICROMINE users annual conference is designed for professionals who use, or plan to use MICROMINE software in their work. For more information please visit our website http://2013.minexrussia.com/ru/agenda/
For further information regarding participation in the Micromine conference, please contact: Ekaterina Zolotenkova, Marketing department, Micromine Rus Tel: +7 905 717 72 47 / Email: ezolotyonkova@micromine.com |