MINEX Russia 2013 report9th Mining and Exploration Forum MINEX Russia was held in Radisson Slavyanskaya hotel in Moscow from 1 – 3 October 2013. The Forum is one of the largest and most prominent events addressing issues of exploration, mining and processing of solid minerals in Russia. This year's forum was attended by more than 650 leaders and managers of mining companies and public organisations from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and the countries of the European Economic Community, North America, Africa, Asia and Australia. Main topic of the Forum this year was "Mining in a challenging economic environment." MINEX Forum provided a powerful incentive for the exchange of experiences and finding the best solutions to increase efficiency and investment attractiveness of Russian mining companies. The Forum agenda consisted of more than 100 reports and technical presentations representing Russian and international experience in improving the efficiency of the mining enterprises and the development of business in the face of declining commodity prices and reducing opportunities for financing of mining projects. The Forum traditionally provided diversified platform for business meetings, signing of agreements as well as for organising presentations on many aspects of mining and mineral exploration in Russia and covering wide range of topics from modern technologies for prospecting and exploration of new fields to financing mining projects and setting up international partnerships. Many bilateral and multilateral meetings with government delegations, business people and investors were held during the Forum. The working group from representatives of mining companies, law and audit firms, governmental and non-governmental organizations and investors was set up at the end of the Forum with the task to produce a memorandum, which after consultation with all the participants of the forum will be sent to the leadership of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. The memorandum will be reflecting the views and recommendations of the forum on the most important measures to be taken to speed up the recovery of the Russian mining industry from the effect of the global economic slowdown and to boost mineral exploration, improve efficiency and increase investors’ confidence in Russia. A full MINEX Russia 2013 report will be published online on the website October 28, 2013. The report will include the following materials: