Media and Info partnership
MINEX RUSSIA 2013 FORUM INFO PARTNERSHIP PROPOSAL TO MINING MEDIA AND ASSOCIATIONS The 9th Mining and Mineral Exploration Forum and Expo “MINEX Russia 2013″ will be held in Moscow, Russia, on 1 -3 October 2013. MINEX Russia Forum is the largest and most prominent mining and mineral exploration event in Russia. Every year it brings together over 500 mining professionals, investors and service companies from across Russia, CIS, Europe, Australia, Africa, America and Asia. Organised in Moscow since 2005, the Forum is dedicated to promoting the best mining practices and mineral exploration projects and helping to facilitate international business ventures for the Russian mining industry. This year the forum will be held under the key theme “Managing Mines during the Downturn” focusing on mining efficiency and investment issues.
Partnership benefits
INFO PARTNERSHIP BENEFITS ● Complimentary admission to one – two member of staff representing info partner at the forum ● One complimentary guest ticket to MINEX RUSSIA 2013 Gala dinner ● 50% delegate discount for additional member(s) of staff representing partner at the forum (excluding Gala Dinner) ● Members of professional associations which formally endorse the forum will be offered 10% discount of standard delegate registration fee (excluding Gala dinner) ● Opportunity for distribution of the partner’s printed materials at MINEX on-site exhibition ● Partner’s advertising in the forum’s catalogue – in exchange for forum’s advertisement placement in the partner’s printed (i.e. not electronic format) media; ● Partner’s logo placement in the forum booklet; ● Partner’s logo and short company description with hyperlink to partner’s own site on the MINEX info partners web page ● Complimentary access to the forum’s materials (including presentations and photographs) published on-line after the event. ● Opportunity to place additional information in the post event forum materials *
Partnership commitments
PARTNERS WILL BE EXPECTED TO: ● Place one/several* MINEX advertisements in the printed media prior to the forum; ● Place forum’s promotional web banner on partner’s website (from the agreement date until 3 October 2013). ● Enter forum’s details in the partner’s events calendar; ● Send two/three* electronic MINEX announcements to the subscribers prior to the forum; ● Publish forum report or editorial in the partner’s printed or on-line media; ● Provide MINEX organisers with complimentary news subscription (if applicable) for a period of up to 12 months.
Comments: 1. All travel, visa and accommodation expenses shall be borne by the partner. 2. Partner will be assigned an individual space or table for the distribution of the printed materials on at the exhibition venue on 2 and 3 October 2013. 3. Logos and advertisements must be provided by partner in vector curves in EPS/Illustrator/Corel formats; all fonts must be converted into curves. 4. Link to partner’s website and short 100 words description must be provided by partner. *We regret that we are not able to send mass e-mails on behalf of partners to Forum participant after the event. However, partners are welcome to send us additional promotional information to be included in our post event Forum materials posted on our website. All participants are sent a password to access these materials (conference presentations, interviews, pictures etc.) and the service is very popular and frequently used by Minex Forum participants.
Propose partnership
BECOMING INFO PARTNER: For further information about becoming media partner for MINEX Russia 2013 Forum and Expo please contact Borka Mikulic, International Business Manager Tel: + 44 (0) 1275 540 582 (direct line) Email: borka.m@minexforum.com Mobile: + 44 776 4949433