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MEMORANDUM of 9th Mining and Exploration Forum MINEX Russia 2013 (first edition)
Video interviews with the Forum participants
Leonardo Uehara
Randy Lewis
NVision Group
NVision Group is one of the largest developers and suppliers of unique solutions and services in the Russian market of information technologies. The company has established a complex of technologies, industry solutions and expertise, accelerating the development of commercial companies and government organizations. Company has over 4000 employees certified by world’s leading hardware manufacturers and software developers.
The solutions offered by NVision Group help customers to achieve their strategic objectives both through improving the efficiency of IT infrastructure, and through optimization of individual business processes. The company specializes in design of systems used to significantly reduce business informatization costs, protect the business and develop new services, striving to enhance their quality level.
Company’s headquarter is located in Moscow. There are 17 branches in Russia, and also representative offices in Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Czech Republic
Valery Pak – Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation – The Head of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) took part in the 9th Mining and Exploration Forum MINEX Russia 2013
MINEX Russia Forum and Petrpopavlovsk Fund raised funds to aid schools damaged by Amur river flooding
MINEX Russia 2013 report
Amur River flooding – children charity auction
Nominations for the 7th Russian Mining Excellence Award
Mikhail Plotnikov
Alexander Belov
Alexey Zhura
Ivan Ivanov
Georgy Pogosyants
Alan Kartashkin
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Rod Cave
Julia Boiko
There are less than two weeks left before MINEX Russia – the 9th Mining and Exploration Forum which will be held in Moscow 1- 3 October 2013.
Group of Companies “ANAKON”
“ANAKON”, a Group of Companies, presents complex solutions for modern technologies of analysis of ores and minerals. In the Group, there are “Anakon” LLC-,”GEO-Engineering” LLC- and the (Scientific-and-Technical Center) “STC “Mineral Standards” LLC Companies.
“Anakon” LLC is the exclusive representative of Rocklabs Ltd (New Zealand) and Furnace Industries (Australia) in the Russian Federation.
”GEO-Engineering” LLC is in charge of supply of mobile laboratories for sample preparation and analysis, as well as of collapsible tanks for fuels and water (SEI Industries of Canada), of technological equipment (Engendrar and CEC Ceramics of Brazil), as also of equipment and spare parts for X-ray fluorescent analysis (XRF-Scientific of Australia).
“STC “Mineral Standards” LLC is active in the development of matrix standard/reference samples for analysis of ores and minerals. The Center has the high production and staffing potential for training in sample preparation and laboratory practice, for consulting services in nature management, for the development of methodological guides to sample preparation.
Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra)
Main goals:
State geological mineral study and mineral resources reproduction of the Russian Federation;
Inventory of the State cadaster of deposits and State balance of mineral resources reserves;
Providing with geological information on mineral resources;
Organization and functioning of the state system of subsoil usage right licensing;
State expertise of mineral resources;
Coordination of technical projects for mineral deposits development
Mikhail Slipenchuk
Alina Zasimovich
Marina Alexeenkova
Pavel Gorshechnikov
Maria Lukashova
Elena Ilina
Sabina Yushakova
Prof. Vadim Petrov
Alexander Kursky
Dr. Neal Rigby
Nikolay Matyash
Michael Haid
Grigory Voyloshnikov
Dinara Dorizo
Levon Kocharyan
Roman Schetinskiy
ROSGEO – Russian state-owned geological holding company. ROSGEO provides full service in geological exploration starting from regional scale surveys, prospecting to detailed exploration, ultradeep drilling and subsurface sites monitoring. The company possesses range of unique competences particularly in marine geology and offshore geophysical surveys.
ROSGEO consolidates 37 geological enterprises based in 30 different federal subjects of Russia. Covering the entire territory of Russia ROSGEO has the capability to provide complex exploration projects throughout the country and abroad.
Company’s enterprises had discovered more than 1000 deposits and oil and gas fields including giant ones like Astrakhanskoye (2.5 trillion m³ of gas), Tengiz (3.1 milliard tons of oil), Kovykta gas condensate field (1.9 trillion m³ of gas), largest gold ore field in Russia – Sukhoy Log, Kursk Magnetic Anomaly and many others.
ROSGEO enterprises have long experience in implementing geological projects in foreign countries – dozens discoveries in Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America.
Among our clients are BP, Shevron, Gazprom, Rosneft, Lukoil, Severstal, MMK Norilsk Nickel, Itera, NLMK, Sibuglemet and many others.
JSC «Rusgeology» is a Russian geological holding company, founded in 2011. The Company consolidates 37 state-owned geological enterprises with different areas of expertise. Rusgeology's mission is to provide comprehensive geological research of Russia's territory as well as reproduction of the country’s mineral resource base. Rusgeology is strategically and uniquely positioned in the Russian market. The Company develops important geological research techniques by implementing new technologies and methods. Covering the entire territory of Russia, Rugeology's enterprises have the capability to provide complex exploration projects for solid minerals as well as a wide range of services for oil and gas exploration throughout the country and abroad.
Victoria Herman
Stuf Vladimir
Limonov Oleg
Liubov Egorova
ALBION IS A RELIABLE SUPPLIER OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS We supply chemicals from leading global manufacturers and helping to find the optimal solutions for your business.
SibGeoConsulting JSC
SibGeoConsulting JSC is an independent company specializing in services in the field of geological surveying, prospecting and exploration of various types of solid mineral resources, deposit feasibility studies, making designs at all stages of deposit development.
During a short, but active period of work, in course of the last five years, the national reserve was, owing to our efforts, enriched only in 7 field with: 281.7 tons of gold, 3739 thousand tons of copper, 98 thousand tons of molybdenum, 2 thousand tons of silver, 38 407 tons of antimony. Three of those 7 field supplied reserves for the first time.
The enterprise has an extensive staff consisting of highly-professional geologists. Leading specialist are members of OERN, AIG, EAGE.
The company possesses a fleet of automotive, off-road and special vehicles, Rocklabs mobile probe-making complexes, Zolotinka mobile analytical laboratory, high-precision electronic tacheometers and satellite communication sets. Remote sites are equipped with satellite communication sets having direct Internet access. It all allows our company to realize projects under the most severe conditions, namely in Chukotka, Krasnoyarsk Region, Transbaikal Territory and other regions.
James McNally
Dr. Pavel Maslovsky
Daniil Lunev
Kamchatka Gold
Kamchatka Gold is the leading gold producer in the Kamchatka region. In 2005, JSC “Kamgold”, part of Kamchatka Gold, first started production of ore gold in the region, by commissioning Aginskiy processing plant.
Kamchatka Gold through subsidiaries owns 9 licenses for 11 gold mines located in the Kamchatka region, with a total reserve base as at 30 June 2013 – more than 14 million troy ounces (over 440 tonnes) of gold.
The gold content in ore in the fields of Kamchatka Gold is from 9 to 25 g/t.
Today's strategic goals and objectives of Kamchatka Gold – are:
continuous increase of the resource base through intensive exploration and improvement of the reserves quality;
construction of the new modern production and processing facilities;
integrated and complex development of transport and energy infrastructure;
development of organization capacity and creating of new jobs in the region;
environmental safety level increase;
social responsibility policy.
Kamchtka Gold has more than 1200 employees.
One of the key strategic objectives of the business – the completion of the Ametistovoe processing plant with a capacity of more than 500 tons of ore per year.
To ensure long-term growth strategy, the company is engaged in the projecting and engineering of Baranevskoe processing plant and is actively developing perspective exploration projects Kumroch, Maletoyvayam and Vetrovayam.
One of the most important principles of the of Kamchatka Gold activity – the responsible processing of natural resources. The purpose of the environmental policy of the company is to provide the highest respect to the unique natural environment of the region and to develop enterprises in strict compliance with environmental standards.
Management of subsidiaries of Kamchatka Gold is represented by the Interminerals management Ltd., acting as the sole executive body for all the Group’s subsidiaries.
The development strategy of “Kamchatka Gold” is aimed to strengthen its positions in the Far East region and to enter in 2017 the top ten leading gold mining companies in Russia.
Grigoriy Sedykh
Sergei Chinkis
Alexei Osenmuk
Sergey Garmaev
Managing mining business during the downturn – challenges and strategies
2nd Photo competition “Miners and Mines of Russia 2013″
Yurii Lysenko
2nd MICROMINE users conference
Stanislav Korchagin
Pavel Lykov
Andrey Korneev
Dmitry Korobov
Norton Rose Fulbright
Kamchatka Gold
National Association for Subsoil Use Auditing (NP “NAEN”)
National Association for Subsoil Use Auditing (NP “NAEN”)
Non-Commercial Partnership “National Association for Subsoil Use Auditing” (NP “NAEN”) was founded in November 2004 and incorporate the major Russian companies in the field of subsoil use. Since 2006 publishes inter-industry scientific and technical journal “Subsoil use – XXI Century”, since 2007 coordinates the activities of the Russian Society of Subsoil Use Experts (OERN) – Russian mining and geological professionals. The purpose of the society is the accumulation and synthesis of specialised knowledge, professional experience, the formation of the expert community. NP “NAEN” is recognised by international organisations (CRIRSCO, European Federation of Geologists), has developed the Code for the Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Reserves (NAEN Code), regularly holds seminars, conferences and provides consulting services.
Elizaveta Bukaeva
Vera Bogatykh
Anna Kozlova
Viktor Svyatetsky
Sergey Donskoy
Vasily Alekseenko
Robert Denis
Jerome Michel Alric
Jon Edward
Pavel Popov
Artemy Levintas
Paul Myler
Nikolai Bokov
Arkady Senchenko
SNL Metals Economics Group
SNL Metals Economics Group (SNL MEG) is the most trusted source of global mining information and analysis. We draw on more than three decades of comprehensive information and analysis, with an unsurpassed level of experience and historical data. To help our clients reach better decisions more quickly, we supply raw data and sophisticated analysis based on unbiased research and reporting. From worldwide exploration, development, and production to strategic planning and acquisitions activity—our databases and studies help you make confident decisions and, ultimately, improve results.
Amur flooding – children charity auction
Oleg Ilyin
Tuomas Tuomela
Andrei Chumakov
Nadezhda Novikova
Ivan Krasovskiy
Dr. Andrey P. Kharlashin
Mangazeya Mining
Mangazeya Mining
LLC “Mangazeya Mining” was founded in 2006 and is located in Nerchinsk–Zavodskoy region, Zabaykalsky Krai.
The company holds directly or through subsidiaries several licenses for gold ore fields on Zabaikalsky Territory, which includes:
- The license for exploration and mining of hardrock gold and associated components on Ildikan area, valid until 15.06.2031
- The license for exploration of hardrock gold and associated components on the deeper levels of Ildikan area, valid until 15.04.2015
- The license for exploration and mining of hardrock gold and associated components on Olondo area, valid until 15.12.2013
- The license for exploration of gold deposit on Urum prospective area, valid until 31.12.2014
- The license for exploration and mining of hardrock gold and associated components on Nasedkino deposit, valid until 01.12.2025
- The license for exploration and mining of base and precious metals on Pridneprov area (Magadan Region), valid until 01.07.2028
Currently gold is produced on Savkino deposit which is located in south-east of Zabaykalsky Krai, Nerchinsk–Zavodskoy region. Gold ore mining is carried in the open pit. Technology of heap leaching is applied to extract gold. The Company financial partner and gold buyer is VTB Bank.
Prof. Iakov Shneerson
Svetlana Prokopieva
Vladimir Polyakov
Mike Hallewell
Craig Morley
Igor Epshtein
SonicSampDrill, a daughter of the Dutch Royal Eijkelkamp Earth Sampling Group, is a manufacturer of Sonic drilling and sampling equipment used in various fields such as Mineral Exploration, Geotechnical Drilling and Environmental research. Sonic drilling is a unique technology, resulting in stunning drilling speeds and samples of superior quality. Whether or not combined with rotation, the sonic high-frequency vibrations make it easy to drill and sample any formation. Our wide range of Sonic Drill Rigs such as the CompactRotosonic, the MidSonic and the LargeSonic, as well as our MudPuppy recycling system, help customers around the world to make complicated sampling projects profitable. Drilling with sonic power is characterized by versatility, accuracy, quality and productivity.
IHC Mining
IHC Mining focuses on integrated solutions for mining houses in onshore, nearshore and deep-sea mining. It offers advisory services to determine overall technical and economic project viability. The company designs, builds and supplies innovative mining vessels and advanced equipment and provides support during the complete mining life cycle.
Mineral Processing
The company’s in-house knowledge of mineral processing enables IHC Mining to design integrated solutions linked to the separation plant. A mining vessel can be equipped with an on board mineral processing installation. The company also delivers solutions for feed preparation, sizing and gravity separation.
IHC Jigs
IHC Mining designs and delivers both floating and land-based treatment plants. The IHC Mining mineral processing equipment guarantees:
proven excellent recovery of >98%
recovery of fine particles (50 microns)
large capacities with a relatively small separation plant
excellent match between excavation equipment and separation plant
environmental friendly operation
economical and reliable performance
low hutch water requirement, low power consumption
Alexey Tsoy
Mikhail Leskov
Mikhail Kornilov
Sergei Fedorov
Jean-Louis Vangeluwe
Olga Kuznetsova
Dr Geoffrey Cowley
Andrey Dovgan
Roman Panov
Valery Pak
Adrian Kennedy
Valery Machulov
Alexei Soloviev
Grigory Mashkovtsev
Evgeny Korkin
Каталог Минералов
MINEX Russian 2013 endorsement letter issued by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra)
JSC «Siberian Engineering and Technologies»
JSC «Siberian Engineering and Technologies» is an engineering company that specializes on the creation of mining and smelting enterprises, power engineering and infrastructure facilities.
Having united best research and engineering institutes, engineering, design and construction enterprises of Siberia our company is able to perform the whole work package to realize all the project stages from exploration work to turnkey objects.
SET has potential for implementation of the most complicated and large-scale projects. The company ensures high quality of works, optimal time-frame, and flexible pricing policy for each project.
Round table meeting with the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra)
RJC Group
RJC Group – a consulting company doing its best in serving clients in exploration and mining industry in Russia and abroad. Since its foundation in 2001, the company has built a good track record in providing a broad scope of services from early prospecting to design and optimization of mining operations and processing circuits.
Our on-going and completed projects include those from early exploration to mining operations. Our commodity expertise covers precious metals and PGM, ferrous, base and minor metals, coal, uranium, and industrial minerals.
Exploration support is one of the intensively developing activities within the RJC Group. RJC Exploration’s Director Andrey Kharlashin, PhD, and his team are actively employing and introducing an efficient exploration support program on operations within the framework of their projects. The program includes development and application of the specially built computer based core logging AGR System that complies with QA/QC requirements and is approved by GKZ (State Committee on Reserves).
AGR System is a computer based core logging that covers all major structure and material criteria of ore distribution and unifies registration thereof.
AGR system is the basis to develop database, core log books, and drill hole logs. The System is easy and simple, and secured against nonsystematic errors.
Specialists of more than four mining companies, on whose deposits AGR System has been introduced and is intensively used, and also overseas auditors, have noted sufficient reduction in time required for cameral treatment, possibility to promptly adjust exploration drilling, and, as a result, reduction of the total cost of exploration.
RJC Group
The RZD-Partner
Mineral Exploration Network (Finland)
Mineral Exploration Network (Finland) ltd is prospecting company taking risks of early stages and providing drill ready gold exploration targets for JV partners. During three years since it was established MEN (Finland) explored over 500 square kilometres and discovered several mineralisation zones with strike 6-11 km.
We have balanced combination of experience of traditional geological school with enthusiasm of young geologists supported by modern technologies. We believe that success of exploration is result of informed target selection and very intensive field work.
Finland is the best exploration target in the world with geology similar to the leading gold producing areas, good and easy accessible geological information, perfect infrastructure and government, actively supporting mineral exploration.
Dando Drilling International
Established in 1867, Dando Drilling International is a UK based drilling rig and equipment manufacturer which supples a wide range of high performance, multipurpose surface exploration, wireline coring and dewatering drilling rigs. Sold worldwide and in operation on every continent, Dando drilling rigs are renowned for their reliability, productivity and ability to work in the most difficult working conditions. Dando also provides high quality machines for the water well, geotechnical and geothermal sectors. Capital Contractors is exclusive distributor and representative of Dando Drilling International in CIS.
Wardell Armstrong Group (WAI)
WAI has provided the mineral industry with specialised geological, mining, processing and environmental expertise since 1987, initially as an independent company, but from 1999 as part of the Wardell Armstrong Group (WA). Our experience is worldwide and has concentrated on the metalliferous mining sector and coal.
Our parent company is a mining engineering/environmental consultancy that services the industrial minerals sector from nine regional offices in the UK and international offices in Russia and Kazakhstan. Total worldwide staff complement is now in excess of 300.
The Group provides a wide range of services for minerals-related projects. This ranges from preliminary exploration planning, through reserve estimation, mine design and financial appraisal, to bankable final feasibility study.
WAI has a strong client list, including companies and organisations from the private and public sectors, as well as many major lending institutions. In addition, WAI has been involved in many AIM and Full Board London stock exchange listings.
Wardell Armstrong Group (WAI)
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
EY expands its services and resources in accordance with clients’ needs throughout the CIS. 4,500 professionals work at 19 offices in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Togliatti, Vladivostok, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Baku, Kyiv, Donetsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Minsk.
EY refers to the global organization and may refer to one or more of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit
TRADELINK Publications
Угольный портал Украины
Угольный портал Украины
Mining Portal of Ukraine –
ZAO “NITRO SIBIR” is the major Russian producer of commercial explosives for blasting operations:
Our key areas of focus are:
Development of industrial explosives;
Manufacturing facilities;
Mixing-and-charging and delivery equipment;
Drilling and blasting operations;
Designing facilities;
Construction and operation;
Raw materials and technical support of equipment.
The company was established in 1990 and has become a leading commercial enterprise within the Russian mining industry and has recently entered the global market of commercial explosives.
The company comprises 17 enterprises engaged in designing, fabricating, operating and producing commercial explosives and conducting drilling-and-blasting operations.
The products of Nitro Sibir are consumed by more than 80 mining enterprises. The major consumers are large Russian and international companies such as Yara International, Mechel, Ural Mining and Smelting Company, Magnitogorsk Iron-and-Steel Works, Russian Railways, Akron and Severstal.
Nitro Sibir has produced over 2.5 million tonnes since the company was established. The volume of blasting operations carried out by the company specialists continues to grow rapidly.
Thanks to scientific research on emulsifiers and formulations conducted by company specialists, all technological and engineering developments of the company are protected by international patents. The company’s long experience in drilling-and-blasting operations combined with its unique technology allows Nitro Sibir to create new and innovative solutions for the mining industry.
Nizhneamurskaya Gornaya Kompaniya
Nizhneamurskaya Gornaya Kompaniya is a reliable and effective partner in performance of a package of geological exploration operations Nizhneamurskaya Gornaya Kompaniya (NGK) is a reliable fast developing independent holding company capable of providing execution of any kinds of prospecting, geological exploration (in particular, geophysical) and survey works.
The company also performs the whole range of geological exploration operations from their designing to approbation of reserves at the State (or Regional) Committee for Reserves RF and to provide report in accordance with international standards.
For 10 years of energetic creative activities (the company will celebrate its jubilee in February 2013), NGK managed to concentrate a skilled team of drillers, geologists, geophysicists, engineers, topographers, geodesists, mining surveyors who apply advanced information technologies (Micromine, Arc GIS, Auto CAD, Surpac, Oasis Montaj etc.) in their work.
The continuous process of reinvestment and attraction of credit resources into own development has enabled the company to accumulate a potential of up-to date models of geophysical (Iris Instruments, Innov-X), drilling (Boart Longyear machines) and other equipment, track machines (Caterpiller, Komatsu bulldozers) necessary for a comprehensive fulfillment of tasks defined.
The priority of Nizhneamurskaya Gornaya Kompaniya is a quality of operations performed, optimization of timelines, flexibility in satisfaction of customer needs.
Thomson Reuters is the world’s leading source of intelligent information. More than 60 000 employees work in more than 100 countries worldwide. We combine industry expertise with innovative technology to deliver critical information to leading decision makers in the financial, intellectual property, legal, tax and accounting, scientific, healthcare and media markets, powered by the world’s most trusted news organization.
Reuters news is the unique asset: independent and trusted global reporting on news and information via newswires, pictures, videos, graphics, and online syndication; news published in 20 languages; 3000 journalists operating from 200 bureaus across the globe and delivering more than 2 million of reports, 1 million of text newswires yearly, 33 000 interviews on CEO level. Reuters photojournalists have witnessed and documented the events and moments that define the modern era. Global network of more than 600 photographers produces 500 000 pictures per year.
CSA Global
Pınar Döküm
PINAR DÖKÜM Company is a one of leading steel casting manufacturer in Turkey. The company was founded in 1979 in Izmir-city and for now our output facilities let us produce pieces up to 5000 kg. and up to 300 ton per month.
We are experienced in manufacturing all kinds of abrasion-resistant, shock resistant, high temperature and corrosion resistant steel-castings. Quality control is executed in our own laboratories which are certificated by ISO 9001:2008 and by other international quality-control systems. Our foundry is mostly focused on mining and cement industries, power plants, machinery, valve and marine sectors. Upward of 80% of our annual production is produced for export and so, our current target is to widen our affected export-area and to knit long-run relations with new partners.
SRK Consulting
SRK Consulting
SRK Consulting is the world’s first one-stop consultancy offering specialist services to mining and exploration companies for the entire life cycle of a mining project from exploration through to mine closure. Among SRK Consulting’s approximately 1,500 clients are most of the world’s major and medium-sized mining houses, exploration companies, banks, petroleum companies, agribusiness companies, construction firms and government departments.
Formed in Johannesburg, South Africa in 1974, SRK now employs approximately over 1,000 professionals in 43 permanent offices on six continents. A broad range of internationally recognised associate consultants are also available world-wide to complement the core staff.
The SRK Group’s independence is ensured by the fact that it holds no equity in any project or company and that its ownership rests solely with its staff. This enables SRK to provide its clients with conflict-free and objective recommendations on crucial judgement issues.
SRK Consulting employs leading specialists in each field of science and engineering. Its seamless integration of services, and global base, has made the company the world’s leading practice in due diligence, feasibility studies and confidential internal reviews.
SRK Consulting offices in the countries in which it operates are staffed by international as well as local experts thus ensuring both technical and local context excellence.
Pavlik Gold Ore Company JSC
Pavlik Gold Ore Company JSC holds a license for search, exploration and ore gold mining at Pavlik deposit, Tenkinsky District, Magadan Region of the Russian Federation. Within 2007 – 2011 a detailed exploration was performed at the deposit, the provisional exploratory standards were approved and the reserves, which amount to 100.2 tons of gold as of January 1, 2010, were calculated. The permanent exploratory standards and the report with the calculation of the reserves were presented (in August of 2012) to Rosnedra SRC for the approval. These standards took into account the further exploration performed in 2011-2012. It is supposed that the reserves shall amount to at least 200 tons of gold as of January 1, 2013. In 2012 the construction of ore-dressing facility was started, which will be completed in December, 2013. The annual output of the enterprise is 3 mln. tons of ore, average gold grade is 2,5 g/t, extraction is not less than 82%.
Pavlik Gold Ore Company JSC
American Appraisal
Cornerstone is among top 10 companies in the Russian market of HR services. In 2013 we celebrate our professional anniversary – 20 years in the market!
Cornerstone specializes in selection of top and mid level managers and specialists. We build long-term partnership relations with our clients and candidates. Our mission: we increase the efficiency and value of our client’s businesses by finding and engaging the best specialists in the market. One of the main business areas of our company is search of successful industrial professionals. Mining and metallurgy companies experience severe shortage of managers and highly skilled technical specialists. The professional team of six consultants can promptly perform most complicated and non-standard tasks. Cornerstone is a reliable partner to major Russian and foreign companies in this industry. The geographical scope of our work embraces almost all regions of the CIS countries, and also numerous countries in Europe, Asia and Central America.
CORNERSTONE – Worthy People For Aspiring Businesses!
IRGIREDMET provides R&D expertise, testwork and process optimization for precious and base metals and diamonds. The activities range from initial investigations to process development and design, construction and commissioning of industrial mines and plants. Working closely with clients and in conjunction with engineering partners, Irgiredmet supplies a flexible package of technology for process development and optimization. We offer a full range of sophisticated facilities for sample preparation and characterization, gravity, flotation, physical separation, smelting, leaching, purification and metals recovery, tails detoxification etc. Our key customers are: Polyus Gold International Limited, GV Gold, Petropavlovsk PLC, Severstal, Uzhuralzoloto Group of Companies (UGC) JSC, Russdragmet, ALROSA Joint Stock Company, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat State Company, Group of companies “Amur”, Sovrudnik.
Auriant Mining
Auriant Mining AB (AUR) is a Swedish junior mining company focused on gold exploration and production in Russia, primarily in Zabaikalye and the Republics of Khakassia and Tyva. The company has currently four assets, including two operating mines (Tardan and Solcocon) and two early stage exploration assets, one of which, Kara-Beldyr, is a joint venture with the major Canadian gold producer Centerra Gold. The group’s mineral licenses are estimated to contain almost 1,000,000 troy ounces of gold reserves according to the Russian standards (GKZ). Auriant Mining´s shares are trading on First North Premier at the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange under the short name AUR.
Eastern Drilling Company (FORACO)
Eastern Drilling Company (EDC) – one of the largest Russian mineral drilling company. EDC is a subsidiary of FORACO International (3rd largest global mineral driller operating 308 rigs on 5 continents in 23 countries, having 51 years of experience and 2,200+ employees). EDC provides a broad variety of drilling services for mineral resources: diamond drilling, deep directional drilling with wedges, reverse circulation, air core drilling, large diameter drilling (up to 30” in diameter for exploration, bulk sampling, ventilation and backfilling holes, etc.), deep water well and dewatering drilling.
EDC fleet includes proprietary and technically innovative rigs, new Boart Longyear rigs and RC rigs, and other modern equipment for all kinds of exploration work (CAT dozers, camps etc.). We have experience bringing unique rigs into Russia from the global FORACO fleet for special drilling tasks. EDC has subsidiaries in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan with all the necessary drilling licenses.
Eastern Drilling Company specializes in providing high-quality exploration services in compliance with international standards and best-in-class safety and environmental practices. We have extensive experience performing difficult projects in extreme climate conditions, in highly remote areas and terrains. Our ability to deliver high-quality drilling services on time, and on budget, is our key success factor.
VNIPIpromtechnologii OJSC is a full-service company that performs a full cycle of design and survey works as well as scientific and research works for:
Building and reconstruction of companies that specializes in mining and processing of uranium, rare-earth elements, non-ferrous metals ores and precious metals ores;
Recovery of territories damaged by radioactive waste;
radiation-dangerous works at handling, operating and liquidation of nuclear weapon and nuclear munitions;
Building of nuclear-waste repositories and radioactive waste disposal facilities;
Liquidation of industrial facilities that were build using nuclear technology;
Handling of radioactive waste, reactor blocks and spent nuclear fuel from atomic submarine utilization.
Currently VNIPIpromtechnologii OJSC is an engineering subsidiary company of ARMZ Uranium Holing Co. It performs design and survey works as well as scientific and research works for both companies of the Holding and the third parties.
Seeking to comply with market demands our company is actively developing itself and its competencies and discovers new areas of activity. The Institute is located in Moscow and has its own exploration base in Moscow area and a branch in the city of Chita. The company has about 500 high-quality specialists. Their working places are upgraded with the modern equipment and software. Our highly skilled specialists are capable to participate in implementation of large-scale projects of development of atomic sector and mining industry.
Metso, created in 2001 after merger of Nordberg and Svedala, is a global supplier of technology and services for the mining, construction, power generation, oil and gas, recycling, and pulp and paper industries.
Mining and Construction, one of the Metso’s reporting segments, is the world’s leading supplier of equipment, complete systems and solutions for rock and minerals processing industries.
Metso Mining and Construction serves all industries involved in crushing, screening and the reduction of rock and minerals, including aggregate production, quarrying, mining and minerals processing. The product offering comprises rock and minerals processing plants, stationary and mobile crushing and screening units, grinding mills, enrichment plants, wear protection products, wear and spare parts, after-market services. The wide product range enables Metso Mining and Construction to provide its customers with individual machines or complete turnkey installations.
Media and Info partnership
Center “Mineral”
Mineral Processing Engineers Congress
Gornaya kniga
Gornaya Technika (Mining Engineering)
Gornyi Zhurnal (Mining Journal)
Горнопромышленный Портал России
Gornopromyshlennyje Vedomosti Bulletin
Destination Far East
Snowden delivers a comprehensive range of technical consulting services and independent advice to exploration and mining companies, as well as legal and financial institutions with interests in the mining sector. Snowden’s services include geology and exploration, mine planning, corporate services, mineral processing, extractive metallurgy, mine ventilation and energy management, and specialised mining software. Snowden uses a multi-disciplinary approach, teaming up geologists, mining engineers, and IT developers and analysts to produce fully integrated solutions for clients from exploration and resource evaluation, mine planning and optimisation, to mine data management and reconciliation. Snowden delivers high-quality solutions and all work is subject to stringent quality control and ongoing review by experienced project managers. Through an international calendar of technical professional development courses and mentoring, the knowledge and practical expertise of our consultants is shared with industry colleagues. Snowden has a network of worldwide offices.
Eurasian Metals
“Globus: Geology and Business” Magazine
Mining Report Glückauf
Gold and Technologies – magazine
Journal of Industrial Karelia
Journal Mineral Resources of Russia
Subsoil using – XXI Century
Journal Ratsionalnoe Osvoenie Nedr
Prospect and protection of mineral resources
Kazakhstan Mining Industry portal
Mining Magazine of Kazakhstan
Mining industry’s information reference center
MiningWorld Russia
PRIME Business News Agency
Goldletter International
World Finance Review
Euroasia Industry magazine
Photo competition “Miners and Mines of Russia 2013″
AT Mineral Processing
CHINA MINING Conference and Exhibition
Metal Bulletin
Metal Bulletin Research
Mining Magazine
Mining Journal
Mining Job Search
Polymetal International Plc
RungePincockMinarco (RPM)
Auriant Mining
Eastern Drilling Company (FORACO)
Krasnoyarsk Drilling Company
IMC Montan
OGK Group
Kinross Gold Corporation
Media Partners
Subsoil Use of Russia Bulletin
Sponsorship packages
OGK Group
OGK Group is the consortium comprised of Russia’s leading exploration service companies. It provides prompt, high quality maintenance services of geological exploration with guaranteed fulfillment of contractual obligations.
The Group unites a number of leading exploration service companies in the country, whose experts accumulated the experience in exploration project management over many years in this business. This country-wide business coverage allows the Group to help its customers significantly reduce their costs on mobilisation and other works, as well as ensure access to almost any necessary equipment in any quantities.
The company's mission:
Creation of competitive consortium of experts in the exploration service market with unitary high standards and country-wide business coverage.
The company's strategy:
Concentration of investment and administrative resources for the creation an industry leader in Russia and former Soviet Union;
Diversification of investments in business assets;
Active use of partnerships and alliances to maximise the effect of joint investment;
Strong management team;
Application of international management standards and advanced technologies;
Social responsibility and general humanitarian values.
RUSBURMASH — the unique complex prospecting company with powerful chisel service in structure of uranium holding of ARMZ Uranium Holding Co.
RUSBURMASH ensures fulfillment of prospecting works (including prospecting drilling) and works on a structure of technological chinks for uranium-mining enterprises of a contour of management of ARMZ Uranium Holding Co in which management are all uranium-mining assets of the Russian nuclear branch.
For today RUSBURMASH represents effectively functioning enterprise capable to the full to solve delivered before it of a problem. For the period with 2009 for 2015 before RUSBURMASH there are difficult and ambitious enough purposes and problems, namely — become one of the leading prospecting companies of Russia.
Already today RUSBURMASH offers fulfilment of prospecting works «on a turn-key basis» — from designing before preparation of reports with count of stocks in the State Committee on Stocks.
CAE Mining
CAE Mining is at the forefront of the industry in developing and providing innovative technology and services to plan, manage and optimise mining operations. With operations in nine countries, CAE Mining offers enhanced solutions ranging from exploration data management and ore-body modelling, to mine planning and operations management. With proven expertise in mining governance and optimisation software tools and services, and extensive experience in simulation and training, CAE Mining will also introduce simulation-based mine planning, scheduling and training in an industry where safety is paramount and training costs are high. Ultimately, CAE Mining is developing the industry’s most compelling technology and services to advance the efficiency and safety of mine operations.
The GIDROKOR brand has been on the construction market since 1995. The Water-Insulation Laboratory of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of the Panfilov Public Utilities Academy emerged as the basis for incorporation of the OOO Gidrokor engineering-and-construction company.
Since its inception, the Company’s core operations have focused on the application of advanced waterproofing technology in civil and industrial construction.
Construction Company Gidrokor Ltd. is a fully-independent structural unit, founded in 2008 on the basis of the physical infrastructure and human resources of the previous organization.
Scope of Company operations: effective protection of structures and installations from natural and industrial water sources, and the reliable insulation of environmental-pollution sources.
Solmax is positioned among the top worldwide leaders in the manufacturing of PE Geomembranes and offers both containment and fluid transportation solutions including HDPE pipes, valves, fittings and accessories. Manufactured in Canada, Malaysia and Chile, its products are sold in over 60 countries and are used by the biggest names in the mining, petroleum, waste management, water, and civil engineering sectors. Solmax products are vital in protecting soils from contamination in applications as critical as the landfills of the world’s most populated cities to the tailings or heap leach pads of mines operating in environmentally fragile ecosystems.
Its Vision: Covering the world. Protecting the earth.
URSUS-AIRBORNE is a highly innovative company that provides airborne services using micro-light and unmanned aircraft.
- We integrate new miniaturised sensors with unmanned aircraft
- We provide airborne services
- We are distributor for Smartplanes UAV, Geocopter UAV, High-Eye Helicopter UAV, UAV-borne LIDAR, Spectral Evolution portable spectrometers and Agisoft photogrammetric software.
GEOSENSE is a reputable remote sensing consultant specialised in Satellite remote sensing and field spectroscopy. Ours services include:
Processing of optical imagery such as Landsat, Aster, Ikonos, Quickbird, GeoEye and WorldView2
Custom made Colour Composites, Ortho-images, Digital Elevation Models, topographic basemaps etc.
Spectral analysis, Alteration Mapping and Target Generation
Specialists in Epithermal, Mesothermal, Porphyry, IOCG and Lateritic mineralisation
Environmental monitoring of mining projects
Structural analysis and terrain analysis
Hyperspectral analysis
Spectroscopic ground truthing and alteration mapping
Spectroscopic core-logging
Environmental mapping and vegetation monitoring
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United mine construction company “SOYUZSPETSSTROY”
Construction of mines, enrichment plants. Construction technology, transport tunnels. Installation of mine technical equipment and commissioning. A full range of design work on the equipment and technology of construction of the mining industry. Research and development work in the mine and underground construction.
Russian Drilling Company
Russian Drilling Company specializes in “turnkey” exploration projects of any complexity.
The Company’s drilling depot includes 30 selfpropelled drilling rigs, equipped with Canadian drilling machines «Boart Longyear Inc.» (LF-230, LF-90, LM-55/75), «Atelier D’Or» (VD-5000), AUSROC 1600HD. These rigs are used for both surface and underground drilling, allowing drilling the bore-holes up to 2000 meters under majority of climate and natural conditions.
Owing to our technical and organization potential we can fulfil 350-400 000 running meters of drilling a year (average speed of one is rig 1500 running meters a month) including all service works and surface mining works i.e. geophysical research, drilling, bore-hole conservation, underground tracks and sites, mobile field camps.
Krasnoyarsk Drilling Company
ZAO “Krasnoyarsk drilling company” provides its customers a full range of service, ranging from the drafting work, geotechnical investigations for any type of building, exploration, hydrogeology, and to Critical Design Review in TKZ (Territorial Committee for Natural Reserves) and GKZ (State Reserves Commission).
The company has its own accredited laboratory soil, technology group, machinery and repair shop, as well as a large arsenal of drilling equipment. The imported machine Christensen CT-20, manufactured by Atlas Copco, became the company’s latest acquisition and allows borehole drilling of NQ size (76 mm) and depth of 2300 m. We are especially proud of qualified personnel whose skill is constantly improving during the production process at refresher courses.
Constant supervising of all operating parameters of drilling allows us to achieve great results.
PwC Russia provides industry-focused assurance, tax, legal and advisory services. Over 2,300 professionals working in PwC offices in Moscow, St Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Vladikavkaz share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice for our clients.
PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Together, these firms form the PwC network, which includes over 180,000 employees in 158 countries.
Delegate Registration
TOMS company is rendering the whole range of services for deposits development from investing money up to its remuneration.
TOMS provides project management services in the form of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management (EPCM). It includes geological maintenance and geological prospecting works, conducting of audit in geological, mining and technological spheres, test works in minerals concentration, working out “technological reglaments” (Russian standard), project feasibility studies, engineering and construction of ore mines, tail facilities and accompanying infrastructure, concentrating plants and factories for recovery of all types of minerals, supply of process solutions and LSTK plants, supervision and consulting services.
TOMS takes all responsibility for the final result, that benefits investors and owners with a most efficient mineral deposit exploitation.
TOMS is a good combination of highly experienced specialists, modern innovative technologies and complex high quality solutions.
OLYMPUS Innov-X portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analyzers provide rapid geochemistry and mineralogy in the field or lab for mineral exploration, ore grade/process control and environmental compliance samples including soils, drill cuttings, ore, metallurgical samples, pulp and waste. Analyze 30+ elements in a single test in seconds, including heavy, transition and light metals, precious metals, rare earth elements and their pathfinders, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Y, Th, Nb.
New products: GPS-GIS-XRF Delta Explorer for geochemical mapping in the field, X-5000 Mobile XRF offers maximum portable power with a closed beam configuration. Mobile XRD-XRF system offers rapid compound identification as well as alteration, major and minor phase mineralogy, NEW Delta -50 is an optimal tool for on-site quantification of rare earth elements.
GNPP Aerogeophysica is a leading Russian company and one of world leaders in the area of providing airborne geophysical services. Every year, in Russia and abroad, GNPP Aerogeophysika carries up to 400,000 linear km of high resolution airborne geophysical surveys at various scales.
The company possesses a large arsenal of the most modern airborne geophysical equipment:
Airplane and helicopter-based EM survey systems of various modifications;
Airborne gravimeter GT-2M;
Multi-channel, high resolution gamma-ray spectrometers;
Equipment for conducting infrared heat and aerosol and gas profiling aerial surveys;
Satellite navigation system.
SGS Vostok Limited is the Russian subsidiary of SGS S.A. and member of SGS Group, the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. Founded in 1878, SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 75000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 1500 offices and laboratories around the world with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.
Operating in Russia since January 1981, today we employ a staff of 3600 people at our Moscow headquarters and the various Russian branch offices and laboratories.
MICROMINE is a leader on Russian market in developing and selling software solutions for exploration and mining industries including the entire production circle. Micromine holds a leading position in Russia as a modular solution of full cycle that allows explorative and mining companies substantially increase productivity. The Geobank system creates a flexible and efficient environment for collection, verification and storage data. Field Marshal module facilitates the work of specialists in the field conditions. The Pitram system enables to Increase production, reduce costs, and improve safety of production. MICROMINE is a consulting arm, Micromine Consulting Services delivers competent person reports compliant with international and local reporting standards. MICROMINE provides you with local support and services in your language and your time zone.
Kinross Gold Corporation
Kinross is a Canadian-based gold mining company with mines and projects in Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ghana, Mauritania, Russia and the United States, employing approximately 9,000 people worldwide. The company is guided by four core values: Putting People First, Outstanding Corporate Citizenship, High Performance Culture and Rigorous Financial Discipline. Kinross has been present in Russia since 1995 and to date is the largest foreign investor in Russia’s gold mining industry. Main Kinross assets in Russia: Kupol mine (“Chukotka Mining and Geological Company”) and Dvoinoye mine (“Northern Gold”), both located in Chukotka.
Kinross maintains listings on the Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: K) and the New York Stock Exchange (symbol: KGC).
Forum organisation structure
FLSmidth Knelson Company
FLSmidth Knelson Company is a leading Canadian manufacturer and supplier of centrifugal concentrators for mineral processing industry. Based in 1979, the company offers batch discharge, continuous variable discharge and laboratory concentrators for gold recovery, PGM and industrial minerals all over the world to more than 75 Clients. Moreover, the Company also manufactures and supplies intense cyanidation reactors CS Acacia, screens, samplers, ancillary and nonstandard equipment. Being a member of Hydromet and Specialty Equipment Group, the company supplies sorption and desorption equipment, as well as equipment for acid-washing. Besides, FLSmidth Knelson exclusively represents and supplies ME Elecmetal (American manufacturer) mill liners and grinding media on CIS territory. From 2010 the Company started development of new activities in the field of fine grinding and hydrometallurgy. From 1990s Flsmidth Knelson Clients from CIS use its equipment on ore processing both on primary ore deposits and alluvial mines. Founded in January 2012, the Company operates on Russian market via branch FLS Knelson Rus, FLSmidth Rus, Ltd. in Irkutsk city, Irkutsk region.
IMC Montan
IMC Montan is an independent international mining consultancy and one of the leading consulting companies in mining sector of Russia. The Group also includes such companies as DMT GmbH & Co. (Germany), IMCGCL (UK), WYG Plc. (UK).
This year IMC Montan celebrated its 20-years anniversary in Russia and CIS. Since then the company implemented over 300 projects for Russian and international mining companies, investors and banks.
IMC Montan is a recognized technical consultant and sector expert; its opinion is respected by analytical agencies, financial institutions and Russian state surveillance bodies.
The range of the Company consulting services covers all solid minerals, all types of deposits and full cycle of the mine life.
Disciplines covered by the Company services include reserve audit in compliance with international standards, preparation of mining companies for IPO, technical and technological consulting, feasibility studies, higher labour productivity or core business production build-up justification.
CSA Global Pty Ltd
CSA Global Pty Ltd is a leading geological, mining and management consulting сompany which provides high quality solutions to our clients in the global minerals industry. Our staff includes geologists, mining engineers, project managers, data management professionals, technicians, administrative and financial personnel.
We are an independent company, with origins dating back to 1984 as part of the CSA Group founded in Ireland. CSA Global has been operating from Perth, Western Australia since 1986 and maintains its head office in West Perth, the heart of Australia’s mining industry.
Over the last decade CSA Global has significantly expanded its global footprint. The expansion allows CSA Global to offer a wider range of services to our clients and ensures continuity of service as a mineral project progresses through the exploration, development and mining stages. We currently have nine offices with four in Australia (West Perth, Adelaide, Darwin and Brisbane) and others in Jakarta, Johannesburg, Horsham (United Kingdom), Vancouver and Moscow.
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EHP-Tekniikka Ltd
Pure high tech for environmental and process monitoring
EHP-Tekniikka Ltd. is an enterprise, which deals with environmental and process monitoring offering both monitoring solutions and services. EHP-Tekniikka Ltd. is designing and producing automatic, wireless, light and all year-round monitoring solutions and stations powered by accumulators and solar panels.
EHP-Tekniikka Ltd. offers automatic wireless monitoring of water level, flow and quality; meteorological monitoring; soil monitoring as well as alarms in case the measurements exceed the threshold limits e.g. in water supply and sewerage systems.
We serve such branches of business, where it is necessary to measure the amount and quality of water in the field conditions as well as in changeable conditions (e.g. there is no standard solution for the measuring). Our solutions are especially suited for harsh field conditions and implemented in such sectors as waste management, mining industry, oil and gas industry, pulp and paper production, peat industry, forestry, agriculture, water supply and sewerage, fish farming, etc.
Collected data can be sent to either the EHP-Data service available over the internet ( or directly to client server, as well as to the client’s own automatization system or PC.
RungePincockMinarco (RPM)
RPM is the world’s largest publicly traded independent group of mining technical experts, with history stretching back to 1968. We have local expertise in all mining regions and are experienced across all commodities and mining methods.
Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange on 27 May 2008 (ASX: RUL), RPM is a global leader in the provision of advisory consulting, technology and professional development solutions to the mining industry. We have global expertise achieved through our work in over 118 countries and our approach to the business of mining is strongly grounded in economic principles.
We operate offices in 18 locations across 12 countries on five continents.
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MINEX Russia 2012 speakers
ALS Minerals
ALS Limited and its Mineral Division is the world leader in sphere of analytical and laboratory testing for exploration and mining companies. The company is specialized in laboratory testing and assays of geological materials: core, RC, trench, rock, soil, stream sediment and other materials. ALS Limited (formerly Campbell Brothers Limited) – is registered by the Australian Stock Exchange. ALS includes 350 sample preparation and analytical laboratories, located in 55 countries of the world, including Russia, with a total of about 12,000 employees. ALS clients include leading international mining, smelting and mineral exploration companies. Our laboratories in Russia & Central Asia offer a wide range of services, including sample preparation, drying, crushing, pulverizing, mono- and multi-element assays for gold and other elements by means of fire assaying, atomic-absorption spectrometry (AAS) and atomic-emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled plasma (IСР АЕS) and ICP-MS (Mass Spectrometry). ALS laboratories are equipped with modern instruments and operate in accordance with ALS system of quality management and standard operating procedures, which corresponds to requirements of International Standards Organization (ISO) and requirements, approved in the Russian Federation (GOST). The laboratories are accredited under the system of accreditation of analytical laboratories (centers), and they have certificates verifying compliance with requirements of GOST R ISO/ IEC 17025-2006 (international standard ISO/IEC 17025: 2005).
Aggreko is the world’s leader in diesel and gas powered generators rental. Aggreko provides diesel generators from 350 kVA up to 1250 kVA, gas generators 1375 kVA, and loadbanks. Aggreko has its own service team and a large fleet of equipment. Power rental period of diesel generators could be from weeks to months. A wide range of of cable, distribution panels, transformers, combined with Aggreko generators, enables the creation of large, complex temporary power installations of almost unlimited capacity. Aggreko generator rental implies turnkey power rental solutions to companies across different industries. Aggreko generator rental includes complete power generation service from start to finish.