Forum organisation structure
Executive Committee
Forum Executive Committee The committee managed by Advantix (professional events and communication agency based in London and Moscow) takes overall responsibility for managing all organisational aspects of the forum from venue outsourcing to event marketing and day to day running. Key contacts in London: T: +44 (0) 207 5209341 F: +44 (0) 207 5209342 Advantix Ltd Speaker and sponsor enquires Arthur Poliakov Delegate and exhibitor enquiries Irina Yukhtlna Media partnership enquires Borka Mikulic Key contact in Moscow: T/F: +7 495 249 49 03 JSC Gorny Forum (MINEX) Natallya Tarasova
Technical Committee
Forum Technical Committee Technical Committee contributes to the overall development of the forum’s agenda. Committee chairman and members, elected every two years, are prominent members of the Russian and International Mining communities. Their combined knowledge and practical experiences in literally all aspects of mineral exploration, mining and investment help MINEX forum to maintain professional focus on the cutting edge issues and to address hard questions. Committee chair person: David Pearce, General Director, SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd. T: +7-495-692-0095; +7-495-692-0037
Awards Committee
Russian Mining Excellence Award nomination committee The main role of the committee is to ensure independent and fair award nomination process and high professional standing of the “Russian Excellence Award”. The committee confirms award categories, defines awards criteria, selects award nominees, considers voting results, confirms award winners and presents the awards. The Members of the Committee are selected every two years. The Committee members have high professional standing and extensive experience in Russia’s mining and exploration. Committee chair person: Alexei Smirnov PwC 1 Partner, Tax & Legal Services, 1 Energy, Utilities and Mining T: +7 (495) 967-6252 F: +7 (495) 967-6001 E: alexei.smirnov@ ru.pwc.com The list of the Russian Mining Excellence Award committee members 2013:
For further information please contact MINEX Russia Organising Committee: Ms Natalia Tarasova
Tel.: + 7 (495) 249 49 03\+7 (915) 482 9 284
Competitions Committee
National Competitions Committee The “Miners and Mines of Russia” photo competition and “From Idea to Innovation” Competition are organised and managed by the Forum Executive Committee. Key contact in Moscow: T/F: +7 495 249 49 03 JSC Gorny Forum (MINEX) Natallya Tarasova |