Winners 2013
1st place – Pavel Chigirov, 1st year post graduate student of the Russian State Oil and Gas University named after Gubkin, Moscow Research title: Impact of electrokinetic and physico- chemical phenomena in the process of flooding in clay sewers. Supervisor – Prof. Valery Cadet 2nd place – Alexei Malutin, 1st year graduate student of the National Mineral Resources University, St. Petersburg Research title: Improvement of mining technologies at high-grade iron ore deposits . Supervisor – Prof. Vladimir Zubov 3rd place – Igor Alyushin V1st year graduate student of the Moscow State Mining University Research title: Development of technology for the enrichment of technogenic dumps kvartsepoleshpatnogo raw materials using radiometric methods . Supervisor – prof. Tatiana Yushina Awarding of winners will take place on Thursday, October 3, 2013 at the closing session of MINEX Russia Forum
The competition "From Idea to Innovation" is organised since 2011 by MINEX Russia Forum with the assistance of the Council of Russian Universities’ Educational Association for mining education. Heads of leading Russian and international companies take active part in evaluation of the proposed for the competition works. The competition is designed to facilitate cooperation between mining companies and Russia’s higher mining education providers in the fields of technical innovation and practical implementation of innovative ideas. Preliminary applications for participation in the 4th competition "From Idea to Innovation" can be sent to: admin@minexforum.com The 4th All-Russian Youth Competition "From Idea to Innovation" will be organised in the framework of the 10th MINEX Russia Mining and Exploration Forum, which will take place in Moscow on 7-9 October 2014.
Further details can be obtained from the Forum Organising Committee Natalia Tarasova T / f: +7 495 249 49 03 Mob : +7 915 482 92 84 E: moscow@minexforum.com
“From Idea to Innovation” competition for mining students, postgraduates & young professionals. MINEX Russia 2013 forum organisers are calling on Russia's mining students, postgraduates & young professionals to submit to present innovative ideas which could be potentially adapted by the mining industry. Submission deadline: 10 September 2013 Held since in 2011 and supported by leading Russian and international companies and mining universities, the competition is aimed at encouraging research and innovation among Russia’s mining students and young specialists. The competition is designed to facilitate cooperation between mining companies and Russia’s higher mining education providers in the fields of technical innovation and practical implementation of innovative ideas. The award aims to:
Winners 2012
"From Idea to Innovation 2012" Competition winners Students:
I place – Kaplunov Valentin, Moscow State Mining University; Graduate students:
I place – Mushketov Anton, Ural Mining and Geology University; Young professionals:
I place – Kobylkin Sergey, Moscow State Mining University;
Sponsorship allows companies to fulfil their objectives in finding young talent and forge closer links with the Higher Mining Education Universities and Technical colleges from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Urals, Siberia and the Far East. In 2012 the Award was kindly supported by Petropavlovsk, Atomredmetzoloto, Severstal Resources and Micromine. The objectives of the Competition "From Idea to Innovation”
To reserve sponsorship please log on the “Sponsorship booking form” or complete Sponsorship form (Word doc). To discuss your sponsorship requirements please contact
Arthur Poliakov