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MEMORANDUM of 9th Mining and Exploration Forum MINEX Russia 2013 (first edition)
Video interviews with the Forum participants
Leonardo Uehara
Randy Lewis
NVision Group
Valery Pak – Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation – The Head of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) took part in the 9th Mining and Exploration Forum MINEX Russia 2013
MINEX Russia Forum and Petrpopavlovsk Fund raised funds to aid schools damaged by Amur river flooding
MINEX Russia 2013 report
Amur River flooding – children charity auction
Nominations for the 7th Russian Mining Excellence Award
Mikhail Plotnikov
Alexander Belov
Alexey Zhura
Ivan Ivanov
Georgy Pogosyants
Alan Kartashkin
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Rod Cave
Julia Boiko
There are less than two weeks left before MINEX Russia – the 9th Mining and Exploration Forum which will be held in Moscow 1- 3 October 2013.
Group of Companies “ANAKON”
Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra)
Mikhail Slipenchuk
Alina Zasimovich
Marina Alexeenkova
Pavel Gorshechnikov
Maria Lukashova
Elena Ilina
Sabina Yushakova
Prof. Vadim Petrov
Alexander Kursky
Dr. Neal Rigby
Nikolay Matyash
Michael Haid
Grigory Voyloshnikov
Dinara Dorizo
Levon Kocharyan
Roman Schetinskiy
Victoria Herman
Stuf Vladimir
Limonov Oleg
Liubov Egorova
SibGeoConsulting JSC
James McNally
Dr. Pavel Maslovsky
Daniil Lunev
Kamchatka Gold
Grigoriy Sedykh
Sergei Chinkis
Alexei Osenmuk
Sergey Garmaev
Managing mining business during the downturn – challenges and strategies
2nd Photo competition “Miners and Mines of Russia 2013″
Yurii Lysenko
2nd MICROMINE users conference
Stanislav Korchagin
Pavel Lykov
Andrey Korneev
Dmitry Korobov
Norton Rose Fulbright
Kamchatka Gold
National Association for Subsoil Use Auditing (NP “NAEN”)
Non-Commercial Partnership “National Association for Subsoil Use Auditing” (NP “NAEN”) was founded in November 2004 and incorporate the major Russian companies in the field of subsoil use. Since 2006 publishes inter-industry scientific and technical journal “Subsoil use – XXI Century”, since 2007 coordinates the activities of the Russian Society of Subsoil Use Experts (OERN) – Russian mining and geological professionals. The purpose of the society is the accumulation and synthesis of specialised knowledge, professional experience, the formation of the expert community. NP “NAEN” is recognised by international organisations (CRIRSCO, European Federation of Geologists), has developed the Code for the Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Reserves (NAEN Code), regularly holds seminars, conferences and provides consulting services.
National Association for Subsoil Use Auditing (NP “NAEN”)
Elizaveta Bukaeva
Vera Bogatykh
Anna Kozlova
Viktor Svyatetsky
Sergey Donskoy
Vasily Alekseenko
Robert Denis
Jerome Michel Alric
Jon Edward
Pavel Popov
Artemy Levintas
Paul Myler
Nikolai Bokov
Arkady Senchenko
Союз золотопромышленников России – некоммерческая организация, зарегистрирована 13 апреля 1995 года Департаментом общественных и межрегиональных связей Правительства г. Москвы. Главной задачей Союза является координация и объединение усилий участников Союза с целью выработки и реализации мер по развитию золотодобывающей промышленности и рынка драгоценных металлов в России, а также лоббирование интересов участников Союза в государственных, общественных и иных институтах Российской Федерации. Членство в Союзе золотопромышленников ограничивается юридическими лицами. Среди участников Союза – предприятия по добыче драгоценных металлов и драгоценных камней, аффинажные заводы, коммерческие банки, инжиниринговые компании. Многие годы Союз золотопромышленников выполняет важную функцию по анализу тенденций, которые определяют направление развития отечественной золотодобывающей отрасли, что находит своё отражение в ежегодных Докладах Союза, которые направляются в профильные министерства и ведомства страны. Большая часть этих Докладов опубликована на сайте Союза золотопромышленников , что дает возможность подробно ознакомиться с прошлым и нынешним состоянием российской золотодобывающей отрасли. Союз также готовит и публикует ежемесячные сводки по добыче и производству золота на территории Российской Федерации, в которые включены оперативные данные аффинажных заводов по выпуску аффинированного золота отечественными золотодобывающими предприятиями и российскими регионами. Активное участие Союза золотопромышленников в подготовке нормативно-правовой базы функционирования золотодобывающей отрасли находит свое отражение в законах, которые затем определяют повседневную деятельность золотодобывающих предприятий страны. Осознавая несовершенство существующего законодательства в области недропользования, которое явилось результатом компромисса рыночных тенденций и государственного регулирования, Союз прилагаем максимум усилий по гармонизации этих двух разнонаправленных тенденций в законотворческой деятельности. На протяжении многих лет Союз является активным участником семинаров, конференций и выставок, посвященных рынку драгоценных металлов, и выступает на этих мероприятиях со своими докладами, сообщениями и презентациями. Российская золотодобывающая отрасль, пройдя этап раздробленности и неразберихи 90-годов, прошла за последующее десятилетие фазу консолидации и создания крупных игроков рынка, и сейчас находится на стадии консолидации мелких и средних предприятий. Одной из важнейших задач Союза на современном этапе становится вопрос привлечения в золотодобывающую отрасль долгосрочных инвестиций и надежных инвесторов. Вот почему Союз традиционно поддерживает партнерские отношения с российским банковским сообществом и активно привлекает в отрасль новых инвесторов из числа инвестиционных банков, фондов прямых инвестиций и частных инвесторов. Союз выступает за привлечение в отрасль новых финансовых инструментов (как например, золотые кредиты и др.) и за создание в России специализированной фондовой площадки для компаний малой и средней капитализации и для т.н. «юниорских» компаний, ведущих перспективные геологоразведочные работы.
В Союз золотопромышленников входят горнорудные компании, ежегодно добывающие примерно 70% российского рудного золота.
SNL Metals Economics Group
Amur flooding – children charity auction
Oleg Ilyin
Tuomas Tuomela
Andrei Chumakov
Nadezhda Novikova
Ivan Krasovskiy
Dr. Andrey P. Kharlashin
Mangazeya Mining
Mangazeya Mining
Prof. Iakov Shneerson
Svetlana Prokopieva
Vladimir Polyakov
Mike Hallewell
Craig Morley
Igor Epshtein
IHC Mining
Alexey Tsoy
Mikhail Leskov
Mikhail Kornilov
Sergei Fedorov
Jean-Louis Vangeluwe
Olga Kuznetsova
Dr Geoffrey Cowley
Andrey Dovgan
Roman Panov
Valery Pak
Adrian Kennedy
Valery Machulov
Alexei Soloviev
Grigory Mashkovtsev
Evgeny Korkin
Каталог Минералов
Каталог Минералов: всё о драгоценных камнях и минералах!
Наш сайт это научно популярный журнал: основная часть – виртуальная коллекция минералов и драгоценных камней. На сайте вы найдете фотографии, описания и тематические статьи по минералогии и истории камня.
Так же на сайте ежедневно обновляемая новостная лента о геологии, минералогии, горном деле. Публикуются анонсы интересных мероприятий и событий.
На форуме каталога минералов ежедневно ведётся обсуждение геологических и около геологических тем.
Раздел Месторождения полезных ископаемых содержит информацию о многих минералогически интересных районах мира.
«GORNAYA PROMYSHLENNOST» («MINING INDUSTRY») is an international specialized scientific and technical trade journal dedicated to the progress and latest engineering developments in mining, mining engineering and processing equipment, modern computer systems, scientific studies, R&D, state of the mineral resources market, experience in investments into mining both in the FSU countries and abroad. It has been published bimonthly since 1994. The journal is a regular participant and sponsor of the most significant international and regional mining, geological, road-building, and other fairs and exhibitions. The readers of the journal represent mining operators, machine-building plants, scientific research centers, and trade institutes.
MINEX Russian 2013 endorsement letter issued by the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra)
JSC «Siberian Engineering and Technologies»
Round table meeting with the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra)
RJC Group
RJC Group
The RZD-Partner
The RZD-Partner is the leading transport business edition in Russia. It has been published since 1998. The main objective of the magazine is to meet the information needs of transport market players and guide the readers through the major events and trends of the sector.
RZD-Partner project includes:
- RZD-Partner magazine in Russian (circulation of 15 000 copies)
- The RZD-Partner magazine in English (circulation of 7 000 copies)
- The RZD-Partner magazine in Chinese (circulation of 3 600 copies)
- Information Agency
Mineral Exploration Network (Finland)
Dando Drilling International
Wardell Armstrong Group (WAI)
Wardell Armstrong Group (WAI)
TRADELINK Publications
Tradelink Publications Ltd is a publisher of leading journals for the mining and quarrying industries. Its publications include:
Mining World: a bi-monthly journal distributed worldwide, with editorial content covering exploration, extraction and processing methods for all kinds of minerals.
Coal International is a global, bi-monthly publication for the coal mining industry, reporting on worldwide news and developments together with plant and equipment, and distributed to coal mining operations worldwide. We also publish Coal International in the Chinese, Polish and Russian languages to coincide with exhibitions in these countries.
The International Guide to the Coalfields is an annual directory listing coal mining operating companies and their operations, together with methods of production, machinery in use and annual production figures.
The publications are represented at major mining exhibitions around the world, and act as media partners to the most important exhibitions and conferences, and have been supporting the mining industry for over 100 years.
Угольный портал Украины
Специализированный отраслевой интернет проект посвященный угольной отрасли и горной промышленности.
Портал является лидером среди отраслевых Украинских интернет ресурсов, посвященных угольной тематике и одним из ведущих русскоязычных специализированных сайтов.
На сайте вы найдете большое количество полезной информации: обширный каталог горно-шахтного оборудования, каталог производителей ГШО, каталог угольных предприятий, доска бесплатных объявлений, отраслевые новости.
А так же большое количество справочной и другой полезной информации.
Угольный портал Украины
Специализированный отраслевой интернет проект посвященный угольной отрасли и горной промышленности.
Портал является лидером среди отраслевых Украинских интернет ресурсов, посвященных угольной тематике и одним из ведущих русскоязычных специализированных сайтов.
На сайте вы найдете большое количество полезной информации: обширный каталог горно-шахтного оборудования, каталог производителей ГШО, каталог угольных предприятий, доска бесплатных объявлений, отраслевые новости.
А так же большое количество справочной и другой полезной информации.
Mining Portal of Ukraine –
Offers you information about the mining industry. The companies represented on the site are the manufacturers and suppliers of mining equipment, coal products, machinery and related equipment used in mining.
Интернет-ресурс поддерживаемый ТОО «Два Кей» размещает информационные сообщения, последние республиканские и мировые новости, коммерческие предложения от компаний и фирм специализирующихся в недропользовании по минералогическим, геологическим и геохимическим исследованиям. Кроме того представляет информацию о горнодобывающей, горно-металлургической промышленности и сопутствующих отраслей. В разделе «биржевая информация» посетители всегда могут просмотреть последние ценовые тенденции представленные с Лондонской биржи по золоту, платине, серебру; узнать официальный курс валют установленный Национальным банком РК; в новостном фрейме прочитать аналитические статьи и отчеты мировых информационных агентств. Целевая аудитория – это топ-менеджеры, менеджеры, маркетологи, специалисты и пользователи Интернета проявляющие бизнес-заинтересованность к недропользованию и продукции горнодобывающих отраслей. Вся информация находится
Thomson Reuters
CSA Global
Pınar Döküm
SRK Consulting
SRK Consulting
Pavlik Gold Ore Company JSC
Pavlik Gold Ore Company JSC
American Appraisal
Auriant Mining
Eastern Drilling Company (FORACO)
Media and Info partnership
The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) exists to promote and develop all aspects of materials science and engineering, geology, mining and associated technologies, mineral and petroleum engineering and extraction metallurgy. It is the professional body for the international materials, minerals and mining community, providing information and library services, conferences, workshops, publications, and various educational resources. The Institute assists its members in achieving the prestigious Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer, Engineering Technician, Chartered Scientist or Chartered Environmentalist professional qualifications. IMMa, the International Mining & Minerals Association (part of IOM3), serves Institute members with interests in the mining and minerals industries and provides a focus for the worldwide community of minerals professionals.
Center “Mineral”
Center “Mineral” mainly focuses on the acquisition, analysis and presentation of data on the Russian and World mineral resources studies, mineral resources base, industry and markets. Production of Center “Mineral” includes informational, analytical and presentation materials, information systems, databases and online maps concerning specified subjects.
Mineral Processing Engineers Congress
X CIS Congress of the Mineral Processing Engineers
Congress of the Mineral Processing Engineers brings together more than 300 mining and metallurgical enterprises, companies producing equipment, research, engineering and science universities from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, USA, Denmark, Mongolia, Norway, Germany, Finland, Australia, China, Canada.
The main subjects of the Congress: Technology of the mineral processing; Equipment for mining and processing industry; Technological mineralogy; Gold extraction and diamond mining; Normative legal base of the mining and metallurgical enterprises; Ecology and waste treatment; Designing of ore-dressing plants; Automation of the mineral processing.
Gornaya kniga
Publishing house «Gornaya kniga» has been issuing reference and scientific books about such disciplines as mining, geology, mine surveying, geodesy, geophysics, ecology, economy for more than two decades. Several years ago new editorial staffs for construction, atomic engineering, oil and gas appeared in the publishing house. The publishing house issues 200 titles per year and makes them accessible in Russia, the CIS countries, Mongolia, Australia, Germany, other states. It takes part in joint projects with the mining companies and institutions of higher education.
Gornaya Technika (Mining Engineering)
The catalogue and reference book includes classified information regarding market condition of mining and mineral processing, reviews of the development tendencies of individual types of mining machines and their application technology, charts with the principal technical data of the equipment, coordinates of manufacturing plants and their dealers. Thus, experts on mining engineering and equipment will be supplied with reliable systematized information on state of market for mining machines and equipment; at the same time manufacturers and suppliers will be able to widen their circle of customers and to find new business partners.
Gornyi Zhurnal (Mining Journal)
Published since 1825
The oldest Russian monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal about all the problems of mining and extraction of minerals. The experience of mining of ores, precious, stones, building materials in highlighted in the journal. The most advanced ideas in the domain of mining as well as, novel scientific development, new designs of mining machines, the achievements in environmental protection ore published in the journal.
Горнопромышленный Портал России
Является единственным отечественным специализированным электронным СМИ, в котором собрана информация обо всех аспектах развития горного дела, геологии, добычи и транспортировки нефти и газа, а также примыкающих разделов геофизики, минералогии, кристаллографии, геодезии и картографии.
Цель проекта – освещение развития горнопромышленной отрасли в России, странах СНГ, за рубежом. Дать на одной площадке горно-геологические аналитические и коммерческие материалы, тесно связанные с прикладной и технической гранями горных наук.
Освещен весь комплекс горных работ: геология, маркшейдерия, осушение, вскрытие и подготовка, проведение и крепление горных выработок, проветривание и системы разработки, буровзрывные работы, выпуск и доставка руды, закладка выработанного пространства.
Gornopromyshlennyje Vedomosti Bulletin
Информация для тех, кто принимает решения. 24 номера в год. Деловое еженедельное электронное и печатное издание.
Каждую неделю электронный Бюллетень «Горнопромышленные ведомости» сообщит Вам актуальную информацию о самых разных событиях: новостях, аналитике, новых проектах, бюджетах, планах, кадровых перестановках, изменениях в законодательстве, рекламной и PR-политике, а также ознакомит с перспективами и прогнозами развития горнопромышленного рынка.
Наша задача: оперативно предоставлять горнопромышленному бизнес-сообществу объективную, качественную и полезную информацию, необходимую для принятия важных решений.
Interfax Information Services Group is the largest diversified information provider in the CIS, and a recognized leader on the Russian information market in the B2B segment. Interfax develops professional information solutions that help companies operating on financial and commodity markets to make investment decisions, manage risks and organize external communications. Interfax products and services include news, market information, analysis, searchable databases, business directories, ratings and rankings, credit histories, IR services and information disclosures, organization of press conferences and placement of Internet advertising. Interfax has been the international community’s leading source of up-to-the-minute information on Russia and the CIS since the beginning of the 1990s. Interfax is the source most often cited in foreign media reports about the region and in recent years has also become a leading supplier of political and financial news from China.
Destination Far East
Destination Far East is an Industrial informational and analytical magazine about transport and road building sectors and industry in the Far Eastern Federal district. The distribution is through administrations of the Far Eastern federal District, the federal and regional structures of road management, customer service, service of operation and maintenance of the roads, road-building and construction, industrial, transportational organizations of the Far East and Siberia, the largest business events (exhibitions, forums, conferences), the subscription. Each issue of the magazine presents an industrial news, company news, regional news; realities and perspectives of development of transport sector, road-building and industrial sectors of the economy, experience of the successful business of the leading enterprises.
Magazine Destination – Far East / road building, industry, transport.
All roads lead to us
Eurasian Metals
The magazine regularly covers not only actual questions of all complex of ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals, but also lifts problems of branch, regions, economy and industrial development of Russia. “Eurasian Metals” is known at all enterprises of branch and everybody count its serious, respectable edition promoting maintenance of image of the Russian metallurgy. Among constant headings of magazine: Investors’ Compass, Raw Materials/Mining, Companies & Corporations, Machine-Building and Metal Working, Nuclear Industry, Precious Metals & Stones, Metal Market, Oil-Gas-Pipes, Ecology, Arts & Crafts.
“Globus: Geology and Business” Magazine
Деловое специализированное издание, посвященное разведке, добыче и переработке полезных ископаемых. Территория распространения – Россия, Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Узбекистан, Украина. Журнал служит площадкой для диалога бизнеса и власти, решения актуальных вопросов, связанных с добычей и переработкой полезных ископаемых. Так же журнал направлен на поиск потенциальных партнеров. В журнале размещаются информационные материалы добывающих, перерабатывающих, геологоразведочных, машиностроительных компаний, которые делятся своим опытом работы, достижениями, инновациями.
Mining Report Glückauf
Mining Report Glückauf (Russian Edition) – Leading technical-scientific journal for the mining, raw materials and energy. It is primarily intended for decision makers in the mining and mining machinery industries and mining authorities. In addition, the journal is available at administrative authorities, municipalities, research and testing institutions as well as at universities.
Gold and Technologies – magazine
Gold and Technologies – magazine is the federal analytical edition which is widely distributed among gold mining enterprises, prospecting expeditions, refineries, research, institutes, machinery, equipment and spares for gold mining, manufacturers. The edition contains materials concerning the process of gold, mining, it’s refining and enriching. It is been edited by the, FSUE “Hyprotsvetmet”. The circulation is 950 copies, 6 editions a year. The magazine is represented at all Russian first-rate exhibitions and conferences.
Journal of Industrial Karelia
6 issues per year. Published since 1999
Industry of the Republic of Karelia and the North-West of Russia. Category: mining complex, timber industry, pulp and paper industry, energy, construction, housing and utilities, road construction, energy conservation and energy audit, Energouchet, automation, machinery, etc. Readers – managers, technical directors, chief engineers, chief energy, etc. Distributed free of charge.
Journal Mineral Resources of Russia
Published since 1991, (bi-monthly) The Journal publishes materials on all types of minerals, oil, gas, coal, ferrous, non-ferrous, precious and rare metals, agrochemical and mining chemical raw materials, etc. The basic sections: the current state and development prospects of the mineral resource base in Russia (exploration and the resources base); economic policy and management of the mineral resource complex; legal support to subsurface use; mineral resources market; investment projects, equipment and technologies.
Subsoil using – XXI Century
Interbranch scientific technical journal «Subsoil using – XXI Century»
The official journal of the Society of Russian Experts on Sub soil using (OERN). Information Partner State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology, Federal State Institution “State Commission for Mineral Reserves.” Founder – Non-commercial partnership “Self-organization” National Association for the subsoil use auditing”. Magazine «Subsoil using – XXI Century» highlights the most successful and effective solutions in the field of geological exploration, mining and minerals processing, comments on legislative and regulatory aspects of the subsoil.
Journal Ratsionalnoe Osvoenie Nedr
Subject Area: A scientific, technical and methodological journal it addressing a wide range of aspects of underground resource management, including such issues as legal and regulatory frameworks and methodological support, economic strategy and innovation-driven development of the Russian mining industries. The Journal provides detailed coverage of efficient and comprehensive development of mineral deposits, high-level processing and conversion of minerals, development and application of novel geotechnologies and equipment, and industrial safety; discusses the environmental aspects of underground resource management; presents the analytics on mineral reserves and resources, mineral markets, and keeps the readership informed on the important industry events. Our Readership: Managers and leading experts of mining companies, R&D establishments, engineering, consulting companies and law firms, as well as businesses involved in underground resource management, scholars and researchers.
Prospect and protection of mineral resources
Periodical journal has been published from 1931 to the present day. It highlights the actual problems of geology. The journal was awarded the honorary signs and gratitude letters. «Prospect and protection of mineral resources» is a multidisciplinary scientific-and-technical journal that brings together all the geological institutions of the country. Firstly it was published in July 1931 in Moscow and it has been one of the basic geology journals. On the pages you can observe boards of the Federal Agency of Natural resources of Russia, from time to time selections on various aspects of mineral resources of the country, new methods and technologies of exploration. The main subjects are the details about new deposits of solid minerals, materials, techniques and technology for exploration, articles on management and economics of geological exploration, conservation of resources, professional life and other issues. There is not one of any significant problems in the field of geological and geophysical studies, technologies for prospecting and exploration of minerals that would not be discussed in the journal. Diversity of issues raised and the high level of published material makes the journal interesting geology, geophysics, hydrogeology, geochemists, drillers, etc. Regular publication of industry leaders can be aware of the major challenges facing the industry experts. Among its authors are the names of prominent scientists, the major organizers of the geological survey production, geologists, economists, etc. Most of the articles have references, bibliographies, tables, graphs and illustrations. Journal «Prospect and protection of mineral resources» enters into the list of leading scientific journals and publications, defined by the Higher Attestation Commission. All material published in the journal are reviewed and estimated by scientific experts. Journal’s edition is about 1 000 copies. Publication subscription exists. It is included into Union catalog «Press of Russia», «Rospechat», etc. Electronic subscription is avaliable at ISSN 0034-026X
Kazakhstan Mining Industry portal
Kazakhstan Mining Industry portal – it is special Internet-resource in central Asian Region, which is dedicated for mining industry. Daily news of mining industry of Central-Asian Region and World, searching of exploration, building and project organizations, contacts with subsoil-users, investors and suppliers of equipment, analyzing of progress tend of mining industry.
LAWTEK Group (PravoTEK Group) – a major company providing legal information services for the energy and subsoil use sectors and focuses on the following activities:
LawTek INFORM | LawTek MEDIA | LawTek School | RusEnergy&MiningLaw Forum
Mining Magazine of Kazakhstan
The scientific and technological as well as a production journal, full-color illustrated publication. It has been published bi-monthly since 2003, its circulation amounts to 1500 copies, each issue carrying a brief Kazakh, Russian and English summary of the materials published. «Mining Magazine of Kazakhstan» provides exhaustive information on matters relating to the development of deposits, new technologies, mining transport and processing equipment, mining geology, ecology etc.
Mining industry’s information reference center
Mining industry’s information reference centre
Specialized Internet-resource presenting information on mining industry, mining-metallurgical industry and accompanying branches. Daily renewed news frame, analytical information, placing business-proposals from companies of scientific and technical and manufacturing directions, announcements of exhibitions, of conferences, of seminars and other specialized enterprises referring to mining industry. Target auditorium – the heads of enterprises, managers of superior and middle link from state, regional and private companies, internet-room users and visitors. All information resides in free access.
MiningWorld Russia
International Exhibition and Conference for Mining and Processing of Metals and Minerals. An impressive exposition demonstrates the latest developments of the Russian and foreign manufacturers: crushing and screening equipment, drilling and excavating machinery, handling and storage of bulk materials, spare parts and components for mining machines, mining loaders, mineral processing equipment and additions, tunneling machinery, cranes, mining safety. The business programme of 2014 includes 2 conferences: «Machines and equipment for open-pit mining» and «Gold and technologies» (simultaneous interpretation is available). is the main Mining Information and Jobs Web-Portal in Russia & CIS, sponsored by the specialized recruiting company Rusmining, provides the latest mining news, information about exhibitions and conferences, mining periodicals, etc. The Mining Business Directory and the Bulletin Board are available for free. Mining businesses from all over the world may have their own pages where they can place their corporate blogs, news, press-releases, vacancies, information about investment projects, development plans, etc.The portal involves an online community allowing miners to foster professional contacts.
PRIME Business News Agency
PRIME is a major information and analytical agency, which focuses on real-time distribution of financial and business information. PRIME’s key products include real-time newswires; feature stories; industry-specific newsletters; sections with trustworthy analytical reports and valuations on financial sector development, economic politics, business, and various economic sectors; and software for online electronic trading. The agency produces several specialized newswires in cooperation with Dow Jones Newswires. PRIME has developed its own database on Russian business entities, which includes information on 6 million companies, over 1,000 insurance firms, around 2,000 banks, as well as information on all Russian regions and 1,066 cities. PRIME is authorized by Russia’s Federal Service for Financial Markets for information disclosure. The agency also distributes official publications by the Central Bank of Russia. The number of visitors to PRIME’ Web sites amounts to about 10 million per year, generating over 50 million hits. PRIME is a major information and analytical agency, which focuses on real-time distribution of financial and business information. PRIME’s key products include real-time newswires; feature stories; industry-specific newsletters; sections with trustworthy analytical reports and valuations on financial sector development, economic politics, business, and various economic sectors; and software for online electronic trading. The agency produces several specialized newswires in cooperation with Dow Jones Newswires. PRIME has developed its own database on Russian business entities, which includes information on 6 million companies, over 1,000 insurance firms, around 2,000 banks, as well as information on all Russian regions and 1,066 cities. PRIME is authorized by Russia’s Federal Service for Financial Markets for information disclosure. The agency also distributes official publications by the Central Bank of Russia. The number of visitors to PRIME’ Web sites amounts to about 10 million per year, generating over 50 million hits.
Goldletter International
Goldletter International, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is a premier independent information source on investing in the worldwide gold and uranium sector. Goldletter International is particularly featuring emerging gold regions in the world, including Russia, Central-Asia, China, Mongolia, Latin-America and West-Africa, as well as Canada and the US. Special Region Reports include overviews of exploration/development companies active in these regions, and reports on individual companies featured as a Special Situation. Specific attention is also paid to the emerging rare earths and future metals sector. Goldletter International commenced with covering the Uranium Industry in January 2005 and started the separate publication of Uraniumletter International in October 2005. Thanks to its distinct approach, like Goldletter International, Uraniumletter International has become one of the world’s premier sources for investing in the world-wide uranium resource industry. Goldletter European Forums and Uraniumletter European Forums inform the professional financial community in Europe about attractive investment opportunities in worldwide gold and uranium mining.
World Finance Review
World Finance Review is a quarterly publication dedicated to promoting investments into emerging economies. For a number of years World Finance Review has been working with Governments and National Banks to attract international businesses and to foster direct investments inflow into Eastern Europe and Central Asia. World Finance Review strives to provide accurate and objective information and cutting edge analysis of trends and developments in economy, banking and finance, oil and gas, technology and innovations, investment climate and environmental issues.
The Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association has a network of seven chapters located in Moscow, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary Vancouver and Almaty, and a membership base of over 200 corporations and individuals in a wide range of sectors. As an association, CERBA provides an extensive network of contacts with frequent networking events, informative seminars on pertinent topics in the Eurasian market for Canadian companies, an annual National Conference, a quarterly printed Newsletter, committees of the Canada-Russia Business Council (CRBC), access to annual trade missions, as well as market intelligence, advocacy on government policy, and active, Canada-focused sector committees.
Euroasia Industry magazine
Euroasia Industry magazine is a quality, monthly publication that provides 250+ pages of insightful comment and analysis of today’s foremost business developments, encompassing international trends in trade, market challenges and technological innovations. Mining, Metals & Minerals are key sectors featured in the magazine, and we speak to successful companies from around the world about their achievements to date, current and upcoming projects, and strategies for future success. Technology is making the world a smaller place, globalisation is a fact of life, and we continue to bring our senior executive readers the very best of the international business community.
Photo competition “Miners and Mines of Russia 2013″
AT Mineral Processing
The journal AT INTERNATIONAL (Mineral Processing – Aufbereitungstechnik für mineralische Stoffe) has been informing its readership for more than fifty years on developments and solutions to problems in mechanical process- engineering in the fields of minerals, coal, ores and secondary materials, such as construction or demolition (“C&D”) waste, and power-plant by products. The subjects covered include both technical, scientific and economic topics associated with the processing stages of comminution and agglomeration, screening and grading, sorting, dewatering and drying, materials handling, conveyance and storage, homogenization, blending and proportioning, sampling and quality monitoring. These are augmented by monthly spotlight features from the individual sectors, such as salt and potash, trends in coal preparation, and overviews focused on specific countries. The German/English edition is supplemented by five issues annually in English only, and one in Russian. In addition, the annual edition dedicated to the subject of screening, and the Market Focus Crushers, also published annually, provide a comprehensive overview of the products available on the market, complete with a tabular summary of the most important product properties.
CHINA MINING Conference and Exhibition
CHINA MINING Conference plays more important role in the global mining sector.
With about three months to go, the 15th annual event of CHINA MINING Conference and Exhibition will unveil to the global mining sector under the uncertain economy situation throughout the world.
Obviously, China draws a lot of focus from international mining communities as one of the largest mining investors and the biggest consumer in mining and energy sector worldwide. According to CHINA MINING Organizing Committee, there are more than twenty country government booths booked in CHINA MINING 2013, and also nearly ten country sessions arranged in the convention out of the fifty sessions. Many countries are continuously attending CHINA MINING, like Canada, Australia, Greenland, Peru, Argentina, etc; some new country governments join as well including Chile, Kenya and New Zealand.
In CHINA MINING trade show, more than 80% booths are taken already, and there will be enlarged in the Equipment area as well, featuring more than 20,000sqm. To provide more match making services, Organizing Committee collects Exhibitors’ information like project summaries, mineral identifications to provide more detailed information for Investors and potential partners.
Like every year, CHINA MINING Conference and Exhibition has large-scale convention with about 50 sessions, following the streams of Policies & Financing, Prospecting, Exploration & Mining, Commodities, Country Investment and Mining Sustainability. All these sessions allow the maximum opportunities for the interactive communications.
Some special sessions will be arranged in CHINA MINING 2013. Junior Mining & Exploration Investment Forum will be arranged for the first time, which allows the junior mining and exploration companies presenting on the project investment information. Likewise, CHINA MINING organizing committee will allow a special discount with different packages presenting in the session.
China Outbound Investment Forum (2nd Exploration Exchange China) will be supported by China Ministry of Commerce. In this session, there will be summary and analysis report about Chinese companies investing abroad since 2009. The report will give the general information about Chinese companies of investing abroad and also some references of the company current situations and strategies.
China Green Mines Conference, which is the second launch in CHINA MINING will bring a lot of business opportunities for foreign mining, consulting, technology and equipment companies. According to China Government policies, by year 2020, most of the mine sites should be green mines. Moreover, Chinese government has formed strict evaluation categories for the certificate of Green Mines. As China has more than 100,000 mines, this is another attractive business opportunity for international mining community.
Even though China cannot rescue the global economy and also it slows down the expectation of the increasing rate of GDP, China is still the most active market worldwide, which allows quantity of business opportunities under the uncertain situations. CHINA MINING Conference and Exhibition also plays more important role in the global mining sector.
About CHINA MINING Conference and Exhibition
Hosted by China Ministry of Land Resources, CHINA MINING 2013 will be held in Meijiang Convention Center in Tianjin on November 2-5. As one of the world’s largest mineral investment, cooperation and trading platforms, CHINA MINING covers the whole value chain, including geological surveying, exploration development, mining rights and mineral trading, mining investment & financing, smelting & processing, technique & equipment, mining services and many more. Last year, CHINA MINING 2012 featured more than 6000 delegates, 430 exhibitors from 60 countries, and 22 foreign mining ministers attended as well. For more information, please refer to
Metal Bulletin
Metal Bulletin is the premium intelligence service for metals and steel professionals everywhere. Covering all global metals and steel markets, it provides a comprehensive package of the latest news, pricing information, expert market commentary and statistics. Metals covered in detail include carbon steel, stainless and special steel, scrap and secondary, ores and alloys, raw materials, minor and precious metals and base metals with additional coverage of freight news, capital markets and exchange news and prices.
Metal Bulletin Research
Metal Bulletin Research is the world’s leading independent provider of market analysis and forecasts for the global metals and mining industry. Through our global network of analysts, economists, contributors and business partners, we publish regular research trackers, strategic forecast studies and bespoke consultancy services.
MBR is a trusted, independent source of global industry expertise. We provide regular, insightful analysis and forecasts of global market and business condition to help organisations make informed commercial and strategic decisions and recommendations.
Mining Magazine
Mining Magazine, the industry’s leading monthly magazine, was founded in 1909. BPA audited, the magazine targets the leading equipment purchasers around the world. Mining Magazine provides detailed coverage of all the technical and operational aspects shaping the industry, including equipment reviews and reports on how mines and plants are being developed and operated across the globe.
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Mining Journal
Mining Journal
Founded in 1835, Mining Journal and Mining is the only truly global source of mining intelligence. With over 20,000 readers in print and more than 30,000 unique online readers per month, Mining Journal reaches the top decision makers, prominent industry players and mining professionals in 203 countries worldwide.
This premium weekly newspaper provides the latest industry news and developments on the current commodity market, who is exploring, who is seeking investments or going into production.
Find in-depth feature articles and reports with comprehensive analysis, case studies and interviews from leading industry experts and gain access to our priceless editorial archive dating back to year 2000 covering all the aspects of the global mining industry that you need.
Also, benefit from the regular Mining Journal supplement examining specific countries and commodities in the mining sector.
Sign up for 2 week FREE access
Mining Job Search is an industry leading worldwide job site for mining professionals, connecting recruiters to suitable candidates and candidates to suitable positions. The site uses cutting edge technology that has been developed on its flagship site, Registration is quick and easy with the option of free daily relevant job alerts direct to the candidate.
Services offered to clients are: job posting, CV search, CV alerts, corporate branding, job search sponsorship, sponsorship of candidate emails and highly targeted email marketing. Free trials are available.
Polymetal International Plc
RungePincockMinarco (RPM)
Auriant Mining
Eastern Drilling Company (FORACO)
Krasnoyarsk Drilling Company
IMC Montan
OGK Group
Kinross Gold Corporation
Subsoil Use of Russia Bulletin
Published since 1992. Official publication of the Federal Subsurface Management Agency. The Bulletin publishes documents on subsurface use issues, announcements of tenders and auctions for the right to explore, develop, and extract mineral resources.
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OGK Group
CAE Mining
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United mine construction company “SOYUZSPETSSTROY”