RUSBURMASH — the unique complex prospecting company with powerful chisel service in structure of uranium holding of ARMZ Uranium Holding Co.
RUSBURMASH ensures fulfillment of prospecting works (including prospecting drilling) and works on a structure of technological chinks for uranium-mining enterprises of a contour of management of ARMZ Uranium Holding Co in which management are all uranium-mining assets of the Russian nuclear branch.
For today RUSBURMASH represents effectively functioning enterprise capable to the full to solve delivered before it of a problem. For the period with 2009 for 2015 before RUSBURMASH there are difficult and ambitious enough purposes and problems, namely — become one of the leading prospecting companies of Russia.
Already today RUSBURMASH offers fulfilment of prospecting works «on a turn-key basis» — from designing before preparation of reports with count of stocks in the State Committee on Stocks.