Protected: Andrey Tverdov

Head of the mining optimisation department, IMC MontanТВЕРДОВ-_-НОВАЯ.jpg

Andrey Tverdov is a senior mining engineer in the international mining consultancy IMC Montan, a PhD . He graduated in 2002 from Moscow state mining university with honours , in 2012 he finished presidential programme on Management of Innovations in corporations, Andrey is the GKZ expert , certified mining safety expert, one of the leading industry analysts, the author of over 40 scientific articles and publications. As part of international teams he has participated in over 100 mining projects on resources/reserves evaluations, MERs, pre-feasibilty and feasibility studies.

Master class

Types and instruments of attracting investments into mining projects.

The key idea of the master class is to demonstrate the increased possibilities of mining companies in raising project finance and simplifying the crediting procedures. It will be based on many years experience of IMC Montan Group inthe field of mining consulting and will put together the requirements of different finance institutes to the formats of the reports of mining consultants as well as the list of standard documents, necessary for raising finance into mining projects, will analize different project stages in view of attracting investment.