MINEX Russia 2013 Expo Russia’s Premier Mining Trade and Investment Show When: 2-3 October 2013 Where: Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel 2 Europe Sq., 121059, Moscow, Russia
T: +7-495-941-8020
About MINEX Russia Expo 2013 – the international trade and investment show is organised alongside MINEX annual Forum. Open to visitors and general public, the show offers unique opportunities to both international and domestic companies to demonstrate their products, services and projects to highly sophisticated target audience. Why exhibit?
Who exhibits?
For more information about past exhibitors visit website of MINEX Russia Expo in 2012. What are exhibitor options? Various exhibition options are available. Standard booth options are 2, 3 or 4 linear meters (2 meter deep). Each exhibitor package includes complimentary delegate passes to the forum’s sessions, company profile and logo advertising on the forum’s website and official catalogue, 15-20 minutes presentation option at one of the Business Podium sessions (Reservations are handled on a first-come-first-booked basis). Exhibitors can invite unlimited number of visitors to the exhibition (visitor registration on the forum website is required) and can reserve up to 30 guest seats during the presentation organised at the Business Podium (visitor registration on the forum website is required). Budget option includes hire of table-top and small place for exhibitor’s pop-up stand (no more than to 2 m wide).
For detailed information about available options and prices please either open Exhibitor Booking Form (doc) or select Registration option.
EXHIBITOR OPTIONS (prices quoted in British Pound Sterling (GBP) at 0% UK VAT) NB: 10% early bird registration discount offered until 1 August 2013 (subject to payment receipt by 10 August) » Expo map Dimensions:2 m length x 2 m depth x 2.5 m height Booking fee: £ 3, 300 GBP Fee includes: 2 admission passes to MINEX Forum and Gala Dinner and Complimentary option for presenting at business podium session Dimensions: 3 m length x 2 m depth x 2.5 m height Booking fee: £ 4, 400 GBP Fee includes: 3 admission passes to MINEX Forum and Gala Dinner and Complimentary option for organising marketing presentation at the business podium session; 30% discount for additional tickets Exhibition booth – Option 3 Dimensions:4 m length x 2 m depth x 2.5 m height Booking fee: £ 5, 500 GBP Fee includes: 4 admission passes to MINEX Forum and Gala Dinner; Full page advert in the Forum catalogue; Presentation option at business podium session; 30% discount for additional tickets Table top Dimensions: maximum width up to 1.3 m and height up to 2.5 m Booking fee: £ 1, 250 GBP Fee includes: 1 delegate ticket to MINEX Forum (excludes Gala dinner). 20% discount for additional tickets. Hire of table, chair and small area for mobile exhibition stand Business Podium Presentation Exhibitors who selected options 1, 2 and 3 – No charge Table top exhibitors - £ 500 GBP
1. Exhibition booth hire from 7 am on 2 October until 6 pm on 3 October 2013 at the Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel, Moscow (Forum venue), monochrome company name print on the front panel, hire of 0.7 m table, 2 chairs, 2 spot lights & 220 V electricity; TABLE TOP EXHIBITOR TERMS
1. Hire of table, chair and small area for mobile exhibition stand (maximum width up to 1.3 m and height up to 2.5 m). BUSINESS PODIUM PRESENTATION TERMS Exhibitors who have booked presentation slot at a Business Podium session are entitled to 20 minute meeting room hire, screen, projector, sound system, Russian-English simultaneous translation and enclosure of the presentation in the forum’s materials. Exhibitors presenting at the forum should submit speaker form with the presenter’s bio, photo and presentation slides.
Frequently asked questions
Contact details: Mr Vlad Yakovlev Deputy director "ImageExpo" JSC Tel: (+7 495) 662-39-79 Email: |
Printing services contractor
Arbat Print has been appointed printing contractor for MINEX Russia 2013 exhibition.
About the Company:
We offer a wide range of printing and graphic services. As a printer we pride ourselves on our in-house production and the knowledge of printing that comes with daily hands-on work. We work with a range of clients, offering products ranging from fine art giclée printing for art exhibitions through to commercial signage and banner production.
For further information about the company please visit Arbat Print website.
In you require quote for printing services, please contact (in Russian)
Olga Zudina
Key account manager
T:+7 (495) 629-69-00 / 629-69-02
M: +7 917-5002020
E: corp@ arbatprint.ru
"Рекламный Центр на Тверской"
ул. Тверская д. 6/3
Reisebuero WELT is appointed official incoming service provider to the delegates attending MINEX Russia 2013 Mining and Exploration forum in Moscow.
Established in 1993 Reisebuero WELT is licensed by the Russian authorities to provide international travel services under Federal Tour Operator Number MVT-000070 and is officially registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assist with the processing of formalities involved in applying for a visa for Russia. It’s also Quality Certified Company – ISO 9001:2008. The company operates a flexible pricing policy and offers a discount system for delegations, tour groups and regular clients.
For further information about Reisebuero WELT please visit: http://www.reisebuero-welt.com
Reisebuero WELT is offering the following exclusive services to MINEX attendees:
- Exhibitor assistant services
- Translation services
- Accommodation booking
- Russia Visa support letter
- Airport transfers
- Air ticket reservation
- Train ticket reservation
Miss Yekaterina Yesina
Sales Manager
Reisebuero WELT
T.: +7 495 933-78-78, ext.245
F.: +7 495 933-78-77
E: eee@ msk.welt.ru