Igor Epshtein
Head of Mining and Technological Department, CJSC Polymetal Engineering (Polymetal Int)![]()
Igor Epshtein has 30 years of experience in designing open pit and underground mining operations.
Since the inception of Polymetal Engineering Centre in 1998, Mr. Epshtein, in his capacity of Chief Technologist and Head of the Mining Technology Unit, has led designing of all new and reconstructed mining assets at Polymetal. Since 2007, he has headed up the Mining Engineering Department, which is responsible for the design of open pit and underground mining operations, rock mechanics and hydrogeology, as well as mechanical-repair services, general planning, transport and the audit of Mineral Reserves and Resources for public disclosure in accordance with the JORC Code. Mr. Epstein graduated from the Leningrad Mining Institute (now the St. Petersburg Mining Institute). Upon graduation he worked for Giproruda JSC, where he was promoted from Engineer to Chief Specialist. Prior to joining Polymetal, during 1994 to 1998, Mr. Epstein was Head of the Mining Department at the “Mekhanobr” Institute, before 1994 was focused only on the designing of processing plants. Mr. Epstein is a member of the Russian Society of Subsoil Use Experts (OERN), and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM). TECHNICAL SESSION 3